Warm-Up Exercise for lecture 2

Due 8:00 am, Tues, Dec 9

Physics 105, Fall 2008

If two waves are shifted by ________, completely destructive interference will occur.

In a standing wave, the points that have the maximum vibration are called:
☐ nodes
☑ anti-nodes

You have two pipes which produce sound: one is open at both ends and the other is open at only one end. If the two pipes have the same length, the fundamental resonant frequency will be ____________ for the two.
☐ the same
☑ different

Complete the following sentences with a short phrase. (a) Standing waves are caused by the interference of two waves which are... (b) Beats are caused by the interference of two waves which are...

Standing waves are caused by two waves of the same frequency that are traveling in opposite directions. Beats are caused by two waves with slightly different frequencies, traveling in the same direction.

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