Superfunction Superradar Radar is used in a wide array of applications including archaeology, agriculture, transportation, navigation, law enforcement, noninvasive medical diagnostics, climate change monitoring, natural disaster mapping, and defense. In many applications, it is critical to have accurate distance (or range) resolution -- the ability to resolve two objects along the same line-of-sight. Everyone thinks that range resolution can't be better than the wavelength of the radio wave. This belief has led many to develop high-frequency Radar technologies. Unfortunately, high-frequency Radar is absorbed by water and can be used only for very short distances. Archaeologists looking for underground coins, for example, can only sense a few centimeters below the surface.
Recently, we have explored techniques that have the potential to improve range resolution by a factor of 100. Our approach uses a set of "super oscillation" functions for which we measure and classify complex scattering distributions. In this presentation, I will give an overview of radar, range resolution, super oscillation functions, and the methods we use to break the previously-held "limit" of Radar range resolution.
Useful references:
[1] JC Howell, AN Jordan, B Šoda, A Kempf, “Super Interferometric Range Resolution”, Physical Review Letters 131 (5), 053803
[2] AN Jordan, JC Howell “Fundamental Limits on Subwavelength Range Resolution”, Physical Review Applied 20 (6), 064046
[3] AN Jordan, JC Howell, A Kempf, S Zhang, D White “The Best Radar Ranging Pulse to Resolve Two Reflectors”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.09571