- International Workshop on Magnetic Crystallography (IWMC2024) at Dongguan International Exhibition Hotel, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China, 24-30 Nov 2024, B.J. Campbell (invited lectures and tutorials), 23-26 Aug 2024, B.J. Campbell, "Incommensurate magnetic structures and magnetic superspace groups (MSSGs)" and "Introduction to symmetry-mode analysis and the ISOTROPY Software Suite".
- Workshop on Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data (MagStr) at Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia (invited lectures and tutorials), 23-26 Aug 2024, B.J. Campbell, "Symmetry of incommensurate magnetic structures: magnetic superspace groups" and "Representational analysis of magnetic structures" and "ISOTROPY Software Suite tools for magnetic structures".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Denver, Colorado, 09 July 2024, B.J. Campbell, Bryce T. Eggers, Harold T. Stokes, “Large-angle rigid unit modes in crystalline frameworks”
- Shanghai International Crystallographic School: Chirality in solid-state physics and quantum materials at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China (invited lecture) 15-21 Jun 2024, B.J. Campbell, “A new symmetry-mode based descriptor of chirality: Applications to chiral organic-inorganic hybrid metal-halides.”
- 26th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Melbourne, Australia, Aug 2023, Bryce Eggers, Harold T. Stokes, Branton J. Campbell, "An algebraic search for large-angle rigid unit modes".
- 26th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Melbourne, Australia, Aug 2023 (invited lecture), Branton J. Campbell, Harold T. Stokes, J. Manuel Perez-Mato, Juan Rodríguez-Carvajal, "The unified (UNI) system of magnetic space-group symbols".
- Workshop on Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data (MagStr) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee (invited lecture and tutorial), 3-7 Oct 2022, B.J. Campbell, "Symmetry of incommensurate magnetic structures: magnetic superspace groups" and "Introduction to the ISOTROPY Software Suite".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Portland, Oregon, Aug 2022, B. J. Campbell, H. T. Stokes, J. M. Perez-Mato, and J. Rodríguez-Carvajal, "A unified (UNI) system of magnetic space-group symbols".
- JANA Workshop on Magnetic Structures in Praha, Czech Republic (invited lecture and tutorial), Mar 2022, B.J. Campbell, "Unified (UNI) symbols for magnetic space groups and magnetic superspace groups" and "Representation analysis using the ISODISTORT software".
- School on Representational Analysis of Magnetic Structures at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA (invited lecture and tutorial), Nov 2021, B.J. Campbell and H.T. Stokes, "Symmetry of incommensurate magnetic structures: magnetic superspace groups".
- Materials Science & Technology 2021 in Columbus, Ohio (invited lecture), Oct 2021, B.J. Campbell, "Symmetry-mode analysis of phase transitions in solids".
- 25th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Prague, Czech Republic, Aug 2021, B.J. Campbell and H.T. Stokes, "Advances in infrastructure for using magnetic and non-magnetic superspace-group symmetry".
- 25th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Prague, Czech Republic (poster), Aug 2021, J.H. McKenzie and B.J. Campbell, "Algebraic analysis of topological domain-interface defects in crystals".
- IUCr Satellite Workshop on Aperiodic and Magnetic Structures for Beginners at the Institute of Physics CAS, Praha, Czech Republic (invited lecture and tutorial), Aug 2021, B. J. Campbell, "Magnetic symmetry and representational analysis with ISODISTORT".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting (virtual), Aug 2021, F. Wang, H. Gao, C. de Graaf, J.M. Poblet, B.J. Campbell, and A. Stroppa, "Switchable Rashba anisotropy in a layered hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite via hybrid improper ferroelectricity".
- Workshop on Magnetic Structure Determination at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee (invited lecture and tutorial), Oct 2020, B.J. Campbell, "Symmetry of incommensurate magnetic structures and magnetic superspace groups" and "Introduction to the ISOTROPY Software Suite".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting (virtual), Aug 2020, B. J. Campbell, H. T. Stokes, S. Machlus, C. Yost, "The ISOTILT program for discovering cooperative rigid-unit modes (RUMs) in crystalline solids".
- Workshop on Symmetry and Superspace Approach to Modulated Crystal Structures at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee (invited lecture and tutorial), Oct 2019, B.J. Campbell, "Irreducible representations and the superspace formalism" and "Symmetry-mode analysis of incommensurate structures in ISODISTORT".
- 53rd International School of Crystallography: Magnetic Crystallography in Erice, Sicily, Italy (invited lectures), Jun 2019, B.J. Campbell, three lectures: “Magnetic space group symmetry”, and "MAGNDATA, magCIF, and communicating magnetic structures" (with J.M. Perez-Mato), and also “Building magnetic-structure models with the ISOTROPY Suite” (with H.T. Stokes).
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Covington, Kentucky, Jul 2019, N. Z. Ali, B. J. Campbell, M. Jansen, "High-pressure topotactic transition of layered CsCoO2 to stuffed cristobalite form".
- American Physical Society Four-Corners Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah (invited lecture), Oct 2018, B.J. Campbell, “Group representation theory and crystal-structure determination”.
- Workshop on Magnetic Crystallography at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee (invited lectures), Aug 2018, B.J. Campbell, lectures on “Representational analysis of structural distortions”, “Commensurate and incommensurate magnetic symmetry groups” and also “The magCIF standard”.
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Toronto, Canada, Jul 2018, B.J. Campbell, T.B. Averett, S. Machlus, C. Yost, H.T. Stokes, T.A. Whittle, S. Schmid, C.J. Howard, "Algebraic search for cooperative-rotational rigid-unit modes".
- 7th School on Representation Analysis and Magnetic Structures in College Park, Maryland (invited lectures), Jun 2018, B.J. Campbell, “Magnetic space groups and superspace groups”, “Symmetry-mode analysis of incommensurate structures in ISODISTORT”.
- Frontiers of Research with Single Crystal Total Scattering at Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois (invited lecture), May 2018, B.J. Campbell and H.T. Stokes, “Symmetry-mode analysis of local structure in complex solids”.
- 24th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Hyderabad, India, Aug 2017, J.W. Lewis, I.R. Evans, J. Payne, J.S.O. Evans, H.T. Stokes, B.J. Campbell, “An exhaustive approach to solving and understanding the structures of complex inorganic materials".
- 24th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Hyderabad, India, Aug 2017, B.J. Campbell, T. Averett, H.T. Stokes, T.A. Whittle, S. Schmid, C.J. Howard, "Algebraic search for cooperative rotational rigid-unit modes".
- IUCr Software Fayre in Hyderabad, India (tutorial), Aug 2017, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, "New capabilities and applications of the ISODISTORT software".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in New Orleans, Lousiana (invited lecture), May 2017, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, G.W. Hart, J.W. Lewis, I.R. Lewis, J.S.O. Evans, "Structure solution from powder data using a symmetry-mode parameter set".
- New Trends in Magnetic Structure Determination in Grenoble, France (invited lecture and tutorial), Dec 2016, B.J. Campbell and H.T. Stokes, "Representational analysis of magnetic structures".
- Denver X-ray Meeting in Chicago IL, USA (invited lecture), Aug 2016, B.J. Campbell, "Structure solution from powder data using symmetry-mode parameters”.
- Magnetic Structure Determination, ACA Satellite Workshop in Denver, Colorado, USA (invited lecture and tutorial), Jul 2016, B.J. Campbell, "Magnetic symmetry" and "Representational analysis of magnetic structures".
- Materials Chemistry - Past, Present, and Future in Cambridge, UK (invited lecture), Jun 2016, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, J.W. Lewis, J.S.O. Evans, “The α- and β-Bi2Sn2O7 distorted-pyrochlore structures”.
- Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand - Crystals 30 Meeting in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (plenary lecture), Apr 2016, B.J. Campbell, "Crystallographic representation analysis".
- British Crystallographic Association Meeting in York, UK (tutorial), Apr 2015, B.J. Campbell, “Practical introduction to ISODISTORT for the exploration of symmetry-lowering phase transitions”.
- Fulbright Forum in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK (invited lecture), Jan 2015, B.J. Campbell, J.W. Lewis, J.S.O. Evans, "Finding the atoms in a crystal using a biologically-inspired algorithm and a symmetry-motivated parameter set”.
- RSC Solid State Chemistry Group Christmas Meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, UK (invited lecture), Dec 2014, B.J. Campbell, C.Mshumi, C.I. Lang, L.R. Richey, KC Erb, C.W. Rosenbrock, L.J. Nelson, R.R. Vanfleet, H.T. Stokes, G.L.W. Hart, "The prediction and experimental observation of compositional order in binary platinum alloys".
- JANA Workshop on Magnetic Structures in Praha, Czech Republic (invited lecture and tutorial), Dec 2014, B.J. Campbell, "The symmetries of magnetic crystals", and "The representational analysis of magnetic structures".
- 23rd Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Montreal, Canada (keynote lecture), Aug 2014, B.J. Campbell, "The expanding scope of crystallographic representational analysis".
- 23rd Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Montreal, Canada (tutorial), Aug 2014, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, "Exploring structural distortions with ISODISTORT".
- Role of Magnetic Symmetry in the Description & Determination of Magnetic Structures in Hamilton, Canada (invited lecture and tutorial), Aug 2014, B.J. Campbell, "The new magCIF format for communicating magnetic structures", and "Using ISODISTORT to solve and characterize magnetic structures".
- International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology in Vail, Colorado, Jul 2014, B.J. Campbell, V.E Fedorov, N.G. Naumov, E.G. Gerasimov, P.B. Terentev, A.V. Korolev, S.G. Bogdanov, A.E. Teplykh, A.N. Pirogov, "Structural and magnetic states of nanocomposites formed by multilayered graphene and 3d-transition-metals".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 2014, B.J. Campbell, E.D. Gibbs, J. Lopez, J.M. Carmack, A. Huq, H.T. Stokes, "The use of magnetic symmetry modes to solve complicated multi-k magnetic structures".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2013, B.J. Campbell, L.R. Richey, KC Erb, G.L.W. Hart, R.R. Vanfleet, H.T. Stokes, C. Mshumi, C.I. Lang, "The prediction and experimental observation of compositional order in binary platinum alloys".
- 11th TOPAS User Meeting in Gaithersburg Maryland (invited lecture), Apr 2013, B. J. Campbell, “Magnetic refinement and magnetic symmetry-mode capabilities in TOPAS”.
- JANA Workshop on Magnetic Structures in Praha, Czech Republic (invited lecture and tutorial), Oct 2012, B. J. Campbell, “Representational Analysis of Magnetic Structures” and "Magnetic representational analysis with ISODISTORT.
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Boston, Massachussetts, Aug 2012, B.J. Campbell and B.A. Frandsen, "Local-structure models of diffuse scattering in piezoelectric ferroelectrics".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Boston, Massachussetts, Aug 2012, S. J. Smith, B. Huang, C. H. Bartholomew, J. Boerio-Goates, B. F. Woodfield, B. J. Campbell, "The role of a La-dopant in inhibiting the gamma-to-alpha Al2O3 phase transition".
- British Crystallographic Association Meeting in Warwick, UK (plenary lecture), Apr 2012, B. J. Campbell, “Symmetry modes: Nature’s favorite description of structural distortions”.
- Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Meeting in Orlando, Florida (invited lecture), Mar 2012, B.J. Campbell and B.A. Frandsen, " Local structure models of diffuse scattering in relaxor ferroelectrics".
- 9th TOPAS Users Meeting in Bad Herrenalb, Germany (invited lecture and tutorial), Nov 2011, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, J.S.O. Evans, R.E. Dinnebier, “Symmetry-mode analysis as a technique for solving and refining distorted structures”.
- American Chemical Society Meeting in Denver, Colorado, Sep 2011, S.J. Smith, B.-Y. Huang, K. Cook, R.E. Olsen, C. Bartholomew, B.F. Woodfield, J. Boerio-Goates, B.J. Campbell, “A novel, 1-pot method of La-doping and a revised mechanism of stabilization for La-doped γ-Al2O3 catalyst supports”.
- 22nd Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Madrid, Spain, Aug 2011, B.J. Campbell, N. Maughan, D.G. Robertson, S.L. Norman, "Framework defects in alumino-phosphate ALPO-5".
- 22nd Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Madrid, Spain, Aug 2011, B.A. Frandsen, B.J. Campbell, "Quantitative modeling of diffuse scattering from a relaxor ferroelectric".
- 22nd Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Madrid, Spain, Aug 2011, S.J. Smith, B.J. Campbell, "Symmetry-mode analysis of the γ-alumina phase diagram".
- 22nd Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Madrid, Spain, Aug 2011, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, Software Fayre presentation on "A tutorial introduction to the ISODISTORT software package".
- Symmetry-mode analysis workshop, ACA sattelite meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana (tutorials), May 2011, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, J. M. Perez-Mato, "Symmetry-mode analysis".
- AIChE Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov 2010, S.J. Smith, B. Olson, K. Cook, B. Huang, C.H. Bartholomew, B.F. Woodfield, J. Boerio-Goates, B.J. Campbell, "Revised mechanism of La stabilization for La-doped alumina catalyst supports".
- Pacifichem Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec 2010, S.J. Smith, B. Olson, K. Cook, B. Huang, B.J. Campbell, C.H. Bartholomew, B.F. Woodfield, J. Boerio-Goates, K. Page, H. Kim, K. Chapman, "Novel synthesis of metal oxide-nanoparticle catalysts and catalyst supports and their structural characterization via combined PDF/EXAFS analysis".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, Jul 2010, H.T. Stokes, B.J. Campbell, S. van Smaalen, "A new table of (3+d)-dimensional superspace groups".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, Jul 2010, S.J. Smith, B.J. Campbell, B. Huang, C.H. Bartholomew, B.F. Woodfield, J. Boerio-Goates, K. Page, H. Kim, K. Chapman, "Phase progression of alumina nanoparticle catalyst supports as a function of synthetic temperature".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, Jul 2010, B.J. Campbell, S. Kerman, K. Satyavarapu, H.T. Stokes, J.S.O. Evans, F. Perselli, "Symmetry detection via symmetry-mode analysis".
- American Chemical Society Meeting in San Francisco, California, Mar 2010, S.J. Smith, B. Huang, B. Olsen, B.J. Campbell, C.H. Bartholomew, L. Astle, B.F. Woodfield, J. Boerio-Goates, "Structural characterization of alumina nanopartile catalyst supports using TEM, EXAFS, Rietveld and PDF techniques".
- Sixth International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals in Liverpool, England, Sep 2009, B.J. Campbell, S. van Smaalen, H.T. Stokes, "Superspace groups of (3+d)-dimensional superspace".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Toronto, Canada (invited lecture), Jul 2009, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, J.S.O. Evans, F. Perselli, S. Kerman, K. Satyavarapu, "Nature's basis for parameterizing structural phase transitions".
- North Americal Solid State Chemistry Conference in Columbus, Ohio (invited lecture), Jun 2009, B.J. Campbell, H.J. Kang, P. Dai, S. Li, S. Rosenkranz, P.L. Lee, P.J. Chupas, S. Komiya, Y. Ando, Q. Huang, "A microscopic mechanism for reversible phase changes in the electron-doped T' cuprate superconductors".
- North Americal Solid State Chemistry Conference in Columbus, Ohio (tutorial), Jun 2009, B.J. Campbell, "Introduction to symmetry analysis and the use of ISODISPLACE".
- Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Meeting in San Francisco, California (invited lecture), Feb 2009, B.J. Campbell, "Huang-scattering as a probe of local defect structure".
- 21st Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Osaka, Japan, Aug 2008, B.J. Campbell, J.S.O. Evans, F. Perselli, H.T. Stokes, S. Kerman, K.K. Satyavarapu, "Structural phase transitions: refining distortion-mode amplitudes instead of atomic coordinates".
- 21st Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Osaka, Japan, Aug 2008, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, "Symmetry-mode analysis with ISODISPLACE".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee, May 2008 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, "Generating and visualizing one-dimensional incommensurate structural modulations".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, July 2007 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, "The quest for quantitative three-dimensional defect structures".
- 90th Candian Chemistry Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, May 2007 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, "Diffuse scattering insights into 3D defect structures in complex oxides".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting, Honolulu HI, July 2006, B.J. Campbell & H.T. Stokes, "Exploring local distortion modes via single-crystal diffuse scattering".
- Frontiers in Inorganic Materials Chemistry: A FestSchrift symposium in honor of Prof. Anthony K. Cheetham, Santa Barbara CA, April 2006 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, "Exploring local distortions via single-crystal diffuse scattering".
- 20th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Florence Italy, Aug 2005 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, S. Rosenkranz, P.J. Chupas, H.J. Kang, Pengcheng Dai, Y. Kurita, S. Komiya, Y. Ando, "Superstructural lattice distortion within the CuO2 sheets of electron doped superconductor Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4".
- 20th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Florence Italy, Aug 2005, B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, D.E. Tanner, D.M. Hatch, "ISODISPLACE: A new graphical user interface for calculating structural distortions using the ISOTROPY software package".
- 1st US-China Workshop on Materials Science, Institute of Physics CAS, Beijing, China, May 2005 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, "Discovering complex defect architectures via single-crystal diffuse scattering".
- APS March Meeting in Montreal Canada, March 2004, B.J. Campbell, R. Osborn, J.F. Mitchell, H. Zheng, E. Badica, S. Rosenkranz, J.W. Lynn , "Antiferromagnetic polaron correlations in Nd0.6Sr1.4MnO4".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Cincinnati OH, July 2003 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, R. Osborn, D.N. Argyriou, J.F. Mitchell, L. Vasiliu-Doloc, U. Ruett, Z. Islam, C.D. Ling, S.K. Sinha, J.W. Lynn, "Incommensurate Jahn-Teller Polaron Correlations in Bilayered Colossal Magnetoresistive Manganite La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7".
- Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Workshop on Single-Crystal Diffuse Scattering, June 2003 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, T.R. Welberry, R.W. Broach, Hawoong Hong, A.K. Cheetham, "Single-crystal diffuse scattering from correlated framework defects in zeolites".
- APS March 2003 Meeting, Austin TX, B.J. Campbell, R. Osborn, J.F. Mitchell, H. Zheng, E. Badica, S. Rosenkranz, J.W. Lynn, "Antiferromagnetic polaron correlations in Nd0.6Sr1.4MnO4".
- 19th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Geneva Switzerland, Aug 2002 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, T.R. Welberry, R.W. Hawoong Hong, Broach, A.K. Cheetham, "Single-crystal diffuse scattering from diagonal stacking faults in zeolite mordenite".
- 1st American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Knoxville TN, June 2002, B.J. Campbell, R. Osborn, J.F. Mitchell, H. Zheng, E. Badica, S. Rosenkranz, J.W. Lynn, "Antiferromagnetic polaron correlations in Nd0.6Sr1.4MnO4".
- APS March 2002 Meeting, Indianapolis IN (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, "Nanoscale correlations in the layered perovskite manganites".
- MSU Summer Workshop: "Beyond the Average Structure", Traverse City, MI, July 2001 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, "Diffuse scattering measurements of short-range polaron correlations in the CMR manganites".
- APS March 2001 Meeting, Seattle WA, March 2001, B.J. Campbell, R. Osborn, D.N. Argyriou, L. Vasiliu-Doloc, J.F. Mitchell, Z. Islam, C.D. Ling, S.K. Sinha, J.W. Lynn, "The structure of nanoscale polaron correlations in La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7".
- 8th Joint MMM-Intermag conference in San Antonio TX, Jan 2001, B.J. Campbell, R. Osborn, D. N. Argyriou, L. Vasiliu-Doloc, J.F. Mitchell, Zahir Islam, C.D. Ling, S.K. Sinha, "Nanoscale polaron correlations in La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7".
- APS March 2000 Meeting, Minneapolis MN, B.J. Campbell, D.N. Argyriou, "Charge ordering and phase competition in (SrO)(La0.5Sr0.5MnO3)2".
- APS March 2000 Meeting, Minneapolis MN, B.J. Campbell, A.K. Cheetham, "The nature of linear-fault defects in zeolite mordenite determined using computer simulations of the diffuse scattering".
- 18th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Aug 1999, B.J. Campbell, B.B. Iversen, N.P. Blake, S.R. Shannon, J.M. Delgado, S. Latturner, G.D. Stucky, A.K. Cheetham, "The low-temperature cation-ordered superstructure of Na6 sodalite by powder diffraction and computer simulation".
- American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Buffalo NY, May 1999 (invited lecture), B.J. Campbell, K.P. Lillerud, D.E. Cox, A.K. Cheetham, "Successful applications of simulated annealing to the structure determination of framework compounds".
- APS Centennial Meeting in Atlanta GA, March 1999, B.J. Campbell, A. Moreira dos Santos, J.M. Delgado, G. Diaz de Delgado, A.K. Cheetham, G.F. Strouse, D.N. Argyriou, H.N. Bordallo, D.E. Cox, "Charge and magnetic ordering in the Ruddlesden-Popper n=2 manganate LaSr2Mn2O7".
- Structure Solution from Powder Diffraction Workshop, NSLS User Meeting, May 1998 (invited poster), B.J. Campbell, D.E. Cox, A.K. Cheetham, "The Structure Determination of a Novel Zeolite Framework by Simulated Annealing and Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction".
- NASA Shuttle Small Payloads Symposium, Washington D.C., Oct 1992 (invited lecture), M. Williams, B.J. Campbell, P. Roming, M. Spute, J.W. Moody, "G-133: A Soft X-ray Telescope", NASA Conference Publication 3171, p. 125, 1992.