News and Events

Gunnar Schroeder
Friday, March 28, 12:00 PM (C215 ESC)
Structure Determination of Amyloid Fibrils by Cryo-EM

A variety of mouse models are used in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research. However, little is known about the structural differences in aggregated Aβ between mouse models and humans or in vitro structures. These differences might help to understand why fibril-targeting drug candidates show efficacy when tested in mouse models but often fail to show the desired effect in clinical trials. We determined the structures of nine ex vivo Aβ fibrils from six different mouse models by cryogenic-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). We found that these fibril structures are different from the most dominant structures found in AD patients. A detailed assessment of the Aβ fibril structure is therefore important to the selection of appropriate mouse models for the preclinical development of novel plaque-targeting therapeutics in AD. In addition to protein deposits, such as plaques in AD and Lewy bodies in α-synucleinopathies like Parkinson’s disease (PD), a high concentration of lipids is also found, suggesting a potential role for lipids in disease progression. We present cryo-EM studies of Aβ40 and α-synuclein fibrils formed in the presence of liposomes. These structures provide detailed insights into fibril-lipid interactions and show that the fibrils can take up substantial amounts of lipids during formation, which results in lipid-decorated fibrils. This supports the notion that lipid extraction from cell membranes may be a mechanism contributing to fibril toxicity. Understanding these fibril-lipid interactions offers structural insights into disease-relevant processes in AD and PD.

Thumbnail of SuperCam Target on Ma'az
What's the sound of one laser zapping? There's no need to consult a Zen master to find out, just listen to the first acoustic recording of laser shots on Mars. On Mars Rover Perseverance mission sol 12 (March 2, 2021) the SuperCam instrument atop the rover's mast zapped a rock dubbed Ma'az 30 times from a range of about 3.1 meters. Its microphone recorded the soft staccato popping sounds of the rapid series of SuperCam laser zaps. Shockwaves created in the thin Martian atmosphere as bits of rock are vaporized by the laser shots make the popping sounds, sounds that offer clues to the physical structure of the target. This SuperCam close-up of the Ma'az target region is 6 centimeters (2.3 inches) across. Ma'az means Mars in the Navajo language.
Mount Timpanogos with sky above
Temperature: F
Rel. Humidity: %
Pressure: Inches Hg
Image for Nathan Powers, Updated labs and AAPT lab committee work
Dr. Powers initiated the effort to update BYU’s physics undergraduate lab curriculum in 2015. The revamped curriculum, aimed at teaching students how to construct knowledge from experiments.
Image for BYU Women Represent at CUWiP 2024
21 women student attend conference at Montana State University, where students engaged in keynote speeches, panels, and research presentations.
Image for Dr. Stephens’ Sabbatical to University of Arizona
Dr. Stephens participated in a research project at the University of Arizona focused on studying brown dwarfs using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

Selected Publications

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Chiral multiferroics offer remarkable capabilities for controlling quantum devices at multiple levels. However, these materials are rare due to the competing requirements of long-range orders and strict symmetry constraints. In this study, we present experimental evidence that the coexistence of ferroelectric, magnetic orders, and crystallographic chirality is achievable in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites [(R/S)-β-methylphenethylamine]2CuCl4. By employing Landau symmetry mode analysis, we investigate the interplay between chirality and ferroic orders and propose a novel mechanism for chirality transfer in hybrid systems. This mechanism involves the coupling of non-chiral distortions, characterized by defining a pseudo-scalar quantity, 


 represents the ferroelectric displacement vector and 

 denotes the ferro-rotational vector), which distinguishes between (R)- and (S)-chirality based on its sign. Moreover, the reversal of this descriptor’s sign can be associated with coordinated transitions in ferroelectric distortions, Jahn-Teller antiferro-distortions, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vectors, indicating the mediating role of crystallographic chirality in magnetoelectric correlations.

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By Jason Meziere, Abigail Hardy Carpenter, and Richard L. Sandberg (et al.)

Coherent x-ray imaging and scattering from accelerator based sources such as synchrotrons continue to impact biology, medicine, technology, and materials science. Many synchrotrons around the world are currently undergoing major upgrades to increase their available coherent x-ray flux by approximately two orders of magnitude. The improvement of synchrotrons may enable imaging of materials in operando at the atomic scale which may revolutionize battery and catalysis technologies. Current algorithms used for phase retrieval in coherent x-ray imaging are based on the projection onto sets method. These traditional iterative phase retrieval methods will become more computationally expensive as they push towards atomic resolution and may struggle to converge. Additionally, these methods do not incorporate physical information that may additionally constrain the solution. In this work, we present an algorithm which incorporates molecular dynamics into Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI). This algorithm, which we call PRAMMol (Phase Retrieval with Atomic Modeling and Molecular Dynamics) combines statistical techniques with molecular dynamics to solve the phase retrieval problem. We present several examples where our algorithm is applied to simulated coherent diffraction from 3D crystals and show convergence to the correct solution at the atomic scale.

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By Levi Hancock and Richard Sandberg (et al.)

The performance of metal and polymer foams used in inertial confinement fusion (ICF), inertial fusion energy (IFE), and high-energy-density (HED) experiments is currently limited by our understanding of their nanostructure and its variation in bulk material. We utilized an X-ray-free electron laser (XFEL) together with lensless X-ray imaging techniques to probe the 3D morphology of copper foams at nanoscale resolution (28 nm). The observed morphology of the thin shells is more varied than expected from previous characterizations, with a large number of them distorted, merged, or open, and a targeted mass density 14% less than calculated. This nanoscale information can be used to directly inform and improve foam modeling and fabrication methods to create a tailored material response for HED experiments.

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By Kyle R Adams and Aleksandr V Mosenkov (et al.)

We examine deep optical images of edge-on galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82. The entire sample consists of over 800 genuine edge-on galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts out to z similar to 0.2. To discern the faintest details around the galaxies, we use three different data sources with a photometric depth of down to 30 mag arcsec(-2) in the r band: SDSS Stripe 82, Hyper Suprime-Cam Strategic Program, and DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys. Our analysis of the deep images reveals a variety of low surface brightness features. 49 galaxies exhibit prominent tidal structures, including tidal tails, stellar streams, bridges, and diffuse shells. Additionally, 56 galaxies demonstrate peculiar structural features such as lopsided discs, faint warps, and dim polar rings. Overall, we detect low surface brightness structures in 94 galaxies out of 838, accounting for 11 per cent of the sample. Notably, the fraction of tidal structures is only 5.8 per cent, which is significantly lower than that obtained in modern cosmological simulations and observations. Previous studies have shown that strongly interacting galaxies have stellar discs about 1.5-2 times thicker than those without apparent interactions. In an analysis where tidal features are carefully masked for precise disc axis ratio measurements, we show that discs of galaxies with tidal features are 1.33 times thicker, on average, than control galaxies that do not have visible tidal features. Furthermore, we find that edge-on galaxies with tidal structures tend to have a higher fraction of oval and boxy discs than galaxies without tidal features.

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By Christiana Z. Suggs, Eric G. Hintz, and Denise C. Stephens

As part of our variable star follow-up program, we have examined a number of stars from the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) survey. Using a combination of our own data, ATLAS data, and other archival data, we confirmed the published periods and established a baseline ephemeris for each star. This initial sample of six stars are from the PUL or mono-periodic set from the ATLAS survey. Our determined periods agreed well with the published values. Five targets were found to be high amplitude δ Scuti variables (HADS), and one a low-amplitude δ Scuti (LADS). Beyond the primary period we examined the frequency content, Q value, position in the PL relation, and position within the instability strip of each object. We found ATO J070.9950+37.4038 to be the most complex target. The frequency content is likely a set of nonradial pulsations. ATO J328.8034+58.0406 is a multiperiodic HADS variable that is pulsating in the first and second overtones. ATO 345.4240+42.0479 was found to be a simple HADS monoperiodic fundamental pulsator. In the case of ATO J086.0780+30.3287, we found a strong fundamental pulsation with many harmonics and a weaker first overtone pulsation. We classify ATO J086.0780+30.3287 as a HADS. ATO J077.6090+36.5619 was found to be an interesting case of a monoperiodic star that appears to be pulsating in the third overtone. The lower amplitude for this target would put it in the LADS group. ATO J045.8159+46.0090 was found to be a multiperiodic HADS pulsating in the first and second overtones.

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By Mark C. Anderson, Kent L. Gee, and J. Taggart Durrant (et al.)

As part of its Quesst mission, NASA will fly the supersonic X-59 aircraft over communities to assess human annoyance to quieter sonic booms. As preparation for this flight test campaign continues, there are still many unanswered questions regarding best practices for sonic boom measurements inside and outside communities. This paper features sonic boom measurement and signal processing information including time-domain windowing, zero padding, digital pole-shift filtering, ground-based vs. elevated microphones, atmospheric turbulence, and contaminating noise mitigation. This work both summarizes previous recommendations and provides new recommendations for sonic boom measurement and signal processing. Thus, this paper serves as an overview of the research and recommendations.