News and Events

Michael Churchill
Friday, October 18, 12:00 PM (C215 ESC, and online)
Can Fusion Energy Become Reality? Where Physics and Engineering Converge

The quest to realize fusion energy as a clean power source is accelerating, with recent breakthroughs in inertial confinement fusion reaching scientific breakeven—producing more energy than consumed—and magnetic confinement fusion nearing similar milestones. However, significant challenges remain in turning these achievements into a practical fusion power plant. These challenges include designing materials capable of withstanding the intense heat and particle fluxes from fusion plasmas, creating plasma control systems to mitigate effects from loss of plasma confinement, developing blanket systems to capture energy from fusion neutrons and close the fuel cycle, and the list goes on. Realizing a fusion power plant requires a multidisciplinary, systems-level approach, balancing the competing demands of physics and engineering to create an efficient and economically viable power source. In this talk, I will explore how advanced modeling and simulation techniques—from large-scale parallel computing to reduced AI models—are not only guiding the design of fusion systems but also deepening our understanding of the complex, multi-physics, multi-scale dynamics of fusion plasmas.

Thumbnail of The Clipper and the Comet
NASA's Europa Clipper is now headed toward an ocean world beyond Earth. The large spacecraft is tucked into the payload fairing atop the Falcon Heavy rocket in this photo, taken at Kennedy Space Center the day before the mission's successful October 14 launch. Europa Clipper's interplanetary voyage will first take it to Mars, then back to Earth, and then on to Jupiter on gravity assist trajectories that will allow it to enter orbit around Jupiter in April 2030. Once orbiting Jupiter, the spacecraft will fly past Europa 49 times, exploring a Jovian moon with a global subsurface ocean that may have conditions to support life. Posing in the background next to the floodlit rocket is Comet Tsuchinsan-ATLAS, about a day after the comet's closest approach to Earth. A current darling of evening skies, the naked-eye comet is a vistor from the distant Oort cloud Growing Gallery: Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS in 2024
Mount Timpanogos with sky above
Temperature:52.0 F
Rel. Humidity: 85%
Pressure:29.69 Inches Hg
Image for BYU Women Represent at CUWiP 2024
21 women student attend conference at Montana State University, where students engaged in keynote speeches, panels, and research presentations.
Image for Nathan Powers, Updated labs and AAPT lab committee work
Dr. Powers initiated the effort to update BYU’s physics undergraduate lab curriculum in 2015. The revamped curriculum, aimed at teaching students how to construct knowledge from experiments.
Image for Dr. Stephens’ Sabbatical to University of Arizona
Dr. Stephens participated in a research project at the University of Arizona focused on studying brown dwarfs using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

Selected Publications

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By Levi Hancock and Richard Sandberg (et al.)

The performance of metal and polymer foams used in inertial confinement fusion (ICF), inertial fusion energy (IFE), and high-energy-density (HED) experiments is currently limited by our understanding of their nanostructure and its variation in bulk material. We utilized an X-ray-free electron laser (XFEL) together with lensless X-ray imaging techniques to probe the 3D morphology of copper foams at nanoscale resolution (28 nm). The observed morphology of the thin shells is more varied than expected from previous characterizations, with a large number of them distorted, merged, or open, and a targeted mass density 14% less than calculated. This nanoscale information can be used to directly inform and improve foam modeling and fabrication methods to create a tailored material response for HED experiments.

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By Mark C. Anderson, Kent L. Gee, and J. Taggart Durrant (et al.)

As part of its Quesst mission, NASA will fly the supersonic X-59 aircraft over communities to assess human annoyance to quieter sonic booms. As preparation for this flight test campaign continues, there are still many unanswered questions regarding best practices for sonic boom measurements inside and outside communities. This paper features sonic boom measurement and signal processing information including time-domain windowing, zero padding, digital pole-shift filtering, ground-based vs. elevated microphones, atmospheric turbulence, and contaminating noise mitigation. This work both summarizes previous recommendations and provides new recommendations for sonic boom measurement and signal processing. Thus, this paper serves as an overview of the research and recommendations.

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By Kyle R Adams and Aleksandr V Mosenkov (et al.)

We examine deep optical images of edge-on galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82. The entire sample consists of over 800 genuine edge-on galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts out to z similar to 0.2. To discern the faintest details around the galaxies, we use three different data sources with a photometric depth of down to 30 mag arcsec(-2) in the r band: SDSS Stripe 82, Hyper Suprime-Cam Strategic Program, and DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys. Our analysis of the deep images reveals a variety of low surface brightness features. 49 galaxies exhibit prominent tidal structures, including tidal tails, stellar streams, bridges, and diffuse shells. Additionally, 56 galaxies demonstrate peculiar structural features such as lopsided discs, faint warps, and dim polar rings. Overall, we detect low surface brightness structures in 94 galaxies out of 838, accounting for 11 per cent of the sample. Notably, the fraction of tidal structures is only 5.8 per cent, which is significantly lower than that obtained in modern cosmological simulations and observations. Previous studies have shown that strongly interacting galaxies have stellar discs about 1.5-2 times thicker than those without apparent interactions. In an analysis where tidal features are carefully masked for precise disc axis ratio measurements, we show that discs of galaxies with tidal features are 1.33 times thicker, on average, than control galaxies that do not have visible tidal features. Furthermore, we find that edge-on galaxies with tidal structures tend to have a higher fraction of oval and boxy discs than galaxies without tidal features.

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Chiral multiferroics offer remarkable capabilities for controlling quantum devices at multiple levels. However, these materials are rare due to the competing requirements of long-range orders and strict symmetry constraints. In this study, we present experimental evidence that the coexistence of ferroelectric, magnetic orders, and crystallographic chirality is achievable in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites [(R/S)-β-methylphenethylamine]2CuCl4. By employing Landau symmetry mode analysis, we investigate the interplay between chirality and ferroic orders and propose a novel mechanism for chirality transfer in hybrid systems. This mechanism involves the coupling of non-chiral distortions, characterized by defining a pseudo-scalar quantity, 


 represents the ferroelectric displacement vector and 

 denotes the ferro-rotational vector), which distinguishes between (R)- and (S)-chirality based on its sign. Moreover, the reversal of this descriptor’s sign can be associated with coordinated transitions in ferroelectric distortions, Jahn-Teller antiferro-distortions, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vectors, indicating the mediating role of crystallographic chirality in magnetoelectric correlations.

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By Jay C. Spendlove, Tracianne B. Neilsen, and Mark K. Transtrum

The model manifold, an information geometry tool, is a geometric representation of a model that can quantify the expected information content of modeling parameters. For a normal-mode sound propagation model in a shallow ocean environment, transmission loss (TL) is calculated for a vertical line array and model manifolds are constructed for both absolute and relative TL. For the example presented in this paper, relative TL yields more compact model manifolds with seabed environments that are less statistically distinguishable than manifolds of absolute TL. This example illustrates how model manifolds can be used to improve experimental design for inverse problems.