Traci Neilsen - Professor, BYU Department of Physics and Astronomy

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Traci Neilsen

Traci Neilsen



Office Hours

  • By appointment. Please email

Meetings and Assignments


Department Meetings: Th 11 am - 12 pm

Hydroacoustics Research Group: Fridays 1 pm

Acoustic Research Group Meeting: Thursdays 4 pm


Winter 2025 Teaching Schedule

Physics 492R TBA TBA TBA TBA
Physics 498R TBA TBA TBA TBA


Specialty: Underwater acoustics, Acoustic source localization, Inverse methods, Machine learning applications in underwater acoustics

Research Website

Supervised Theses and Dissertations

Publication List

Professional Bio

Tracianne B. Neilsen received a doctoral degree in physics from the University of Texas at Austin and completed a postdoctoral appointment at Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin, where her research focused on optimization methods for source localization and environmental characterization from multi-source sound fields in the ocean.  Her experience includes management and analysis of large acoustical data sets, numerical modeling of acoustic propagation, and development and employment of multi-dimensional inversion techniques. Her research is in underwater acoustics: how sound travels underwater and interacts with the environment. Her main projects are the application of machine learning to detecting sounds sources in a variable ocean environment and underwater acoustical measurements.

CV May 2022