62. "Small-angle rigid-unit modes requiring linear strain compensation", Bryce T. Eggers, Harold T. Stokes and Branton J. Campbell, Acta Cryst. A 81, 26–35 (2025).
61. "A recapitulation of magnetic space groups and their UNI symbols", B. J. Campbell, H. T. Stokes, J. M. Perez-Mato and J. Rodriguez-Carvajal, Acta Cryst. B 80, 401-408 (2024).
60. "Guidelines for communicating commensurate magnetic structures. A report of the International Union of Crystallography Commission on Magnetic Structures", J. M. Perez-Mato, B. J. Campbell, V. O. Garlea, F. Damay, G. Aurelio, M. Avdeev, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, M. S. Henriques, D. Khalyavin, S. Lee, V. Pomjakushin, N. Terada, O. Zaharko, J. Campo, O. Fabelo, D. B. Litvin, V. Petricek, S. Rayaprol, J. Rodriguez-Carvajal and R. Von Dreele, Acta Cryst. B 80, 219–234 (2024).
59. "Chiral multiferroicity in two-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites", H. Zheng, A. Ghosh, M. J. Swamynadhan, Q. Zhang, W. P. D. Wong, Z. Wu, R. Zhang, J. Chen, F. Cimpoesu, S. Ghosh, B. J. Campbell, K. Wang, A. Stroppa, R. Mahendiran, K. P. Loh, Nature Commun. 15, 5556 (2024).
58. "Computational Screening and Stabilization of Boron-Substituted Type-I and Type-II Carbon Clathrates", Tiange Bi, Bryce T. Eggers, R. E. Cohen, Branton J. Campbell, Timothy Strobel, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 7985-7997 (2023).
57. "Electron Spin Decoherence Dynamics in Magnetic Manganese Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Crystals: The Effect of Lattice Dimensionality", Haining Zheng, Arup Ghosh, M. J. Swamynadhan, Gang Wang, Qihan Zhang, Xiao Wu, Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Walter P. D. Wong, Qing-Hua Xu, Saurabh Ghosh, Jingsheng Chen, Branton J. Campbell, Alessandro Stroppa, Junhao Lin, Ramanathan Mahendiran, and Kian Ping Loh, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 18549-18559 (2023).
56. "Giant Spontaneous Magnetostriction in MnTe Driven by a
Novel Magnetostructural Coupling Mechanism", Raju Baral, A.M. Milinda Abeykoon, Branton J. Campbell, and Benjamin A. Frandsen, Adv. Funct. Mater. 33, 2305247 (2023).
55. "Enumeration and tabulation of magnetic (3+d)-dimensional superspace groups", Harold T. Stokes and Branton J. Campbell, Acta Cryst. A 78, 364-370 (2022).
54. "Introducing a unified magnetic space-group symbol", B. J. Campbell, H. T. Stokes, J. Manuel Perez-Mato, and Juan Rodríguez-Carvajal, Acta Cryst. A 78, 99-106 (2022).
53. "Theoretical and computational improvements to the algebraic method for discovering cooperative rigid-unit modes", Branton J. Campbell, Harold T. Stokes, Tyler B. Averett, Shae Machlus, and Christopher J. Yost, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 54 (6), 1664-1675 (2021).
52. "The ISOTILT software for discovering cooperative rigid-unit rotations in networks of interconnected rigid units", Branton J. Campbell, Harold T. Stokes, Tyler B. Averett, Shae Machlus, and Christopher J. Yost, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 54 (6), 1847-1856 (2021).
51. "Switchable Rashba anisotropy in layered hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite by hybrid improper ferroelectricity", Fei Wang, Heng Gao, Coen de Graaf, Josep M. Poblet, Branton J. Campbell, and Alessandro Stroppa, NPJ Comput. Mater. 6 (1), 183 (2020).
50. "Size-dependent crystalline and magnetic properties of 5 to 100 nm Fe3O4 nanoparticles: superparamagnetism, Verwey transition and FeO-Fe3O4 core-shell formation", Shelby Klomp, Colby Walker, Mason Christiansen, Brittni Newbold, Dalton Griner, Yanping Cai†, Paul Minson, Jeffrey Farrer, Stacey Smith, Branton J. Campbell, Roger G. Harrison, and Karine Chesnel, IEEE Trans. Magn. 56 (11), 2300109 (2020).
49. "Generalized regular k-point grid generation on the fly", W. S. Morgan, J. E. Christensen, P. K. Hamilton, J. J. Jorgensen, B. J. Campbell, G. L. W. Hart, R. W. Forcade, Comp. Mater. Sci. 173, 109340 (2020).
48. "High-pressure polymorphism in pyridine", N. Giordano, C. M. Beavers, B. J. Campbell, V. Eigner, E. Gregoryanz, W. G. Marshall, M. Peña-Álvarez, S. J. Teat, C. E. Vennari, S. Parsons, IUCrJ 7, 58-70 (2020).
47. "Normally supportive sublattices of crystallographic space groups", M. A. Clemens, B. J. Campbell and S. P. Humphries, Acta Cryst. A76, 7–23 (2020).
46. “Topotactic, pressure-driven, diffusion-less phase transition of layered CsCoO2 to a stuffed cristobalite-type configuration”, N. Z. Ali, B. J. Campbell, M. Jansen, Acta Cryst. B75, 704-710 (2019).
45. “Supercolossal Uniaxial Negative Thermal Expansion in Chloranilic Acid Pyrazine, CA-Pyz”, Huiyu Liu, M. J. Gutmann, H. T. Stokes, B. J. Campbell, I. R. Evans, J. S. O. Evans, Chem. Mater. 31, 4514-4523 (2019).
44. “Understanding the behaviour of the room-temperature molecular ferroelectric 5,6-dichloro-2-methylbenzimidazole using symmetry adapted distortion mode analysis”, Huiyu Liu, Weiguo Zhang, P.S. Halasyamani, H.T. Stokes, B.J. Campbell, J.S.O. Evans, I.R. Evans, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 13441–13448 (2018).
43. “An algebraic approach to cooperative rotations in networks of interconnected rigid units”, B.J. Campbell, C.J. Howard, T.B. Averett, T.A. Whittle, S. Schmid, S. Machlus, C. Yost, H.T. Stokes, Acta Cryst. A74, 408-424 (2018).
42. "Revisiting the revised Ag-Pt phase diagram", G. L. W. Hart, L. J. Nelson, R. R. Vanfleet, B. J. Campbell, M. H. F. Sluiter, J. H. Neethling, E. J. Olivier, S. Allies, C. I. Lang, B. Meredig, C. Wolverton, Acta Mat. 124, 325-332 (2017).
41. "A general algorithm for generating isotropy subgroups in superspace", H. T. Stokes and B. J. Campbell, Acta Cryst. A73, 4-13 (2017).
40. "ISOSUBGROUP: an internet tool for generating isotropy subgroups of crystallographic space groups", H. T. Stokes, S. van Orden, B. J. Campbell, J. Appl. Cryst. 49, 1849-1853 (2016).
39. "An exhaustive symmetry approach to structure determination: phase transitions in Bi2Sn2O7", J. W. Lewis, J. L. Payne, I. R. Evans, H. T. Stokes, B. J. Campbell, and J. S. O. Evans, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 8031–8042 (2016).
38. "Structural state and magnetic properties of multilayer-graphene/Fe composites", A. E. Teplykh, S. G. Bogdanov, E. G. Gerasimov, P. B. Terent’ev, A. V. Korolev, V. E. Fedorov, V. G. Makotchenko, N. G. Naumov, B. J. Campbell, A. N. Pirogov, Phys. Metals Metallogr. 117, 143-150 (2016).
37. "La-Dopant Location in La-Doped γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles Synthesized Using a Novel One-Pot Process", S. J. Smith, B. Huang, C. H. Bartholemew, B. J. Campbell, J. Boerio-Goates, B. F. Woodfield, J. Phys. Chem. 119, 25053-62 (2015).
36. "Long-range two-dimensional superstructure in the superconducting electron-doped cuprate Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4", B. J. Campbell, S. Rosenkranz, H. J. Kang, H. T. Stokes, P. J. Chupas, S. Komiya, Y. Ando, Shiliang Li, Pengcheng Dai, Phys. Rev. B 92, 014118 (2015).
35. "Revisiting the CuPt3 prototype and the L13 structure", C.Mshumi, C. I. Lang, L. R. Richey, KC Erb, C. W. Rosenbrock, L. J. Nelson, R. R. Vanfleet, H. T. Stokes, B. J. Campbell, G. L. W. Hart, Acta Mat. 73, 326-336 (2014).
34. "A symmetry-mode description of rigid-body-rotations in crystalline solids: a case study of Mg[H2O]6RbBr3", M. Müller, R. E. Dinnebier, A. Dippel, H. T. Stokes, B. J. Campbell, J. Appl. Cryst. 47, 532-538 (2014).
33. "Crystal and magnetic structures of hexagonal YMnO3", C. J. Howard, B. J. Campbell, H. T. Stokes, M. A. Carpenter, R. I. Thomson, Acta Cryst. B69, 534-540 (2013).
32. "Tabulation of irreducible representations of the crystallographic space groups and their superspace extensions", H. T. Stokes, B. J. Campbell and R. Cordes, Acta Cryst. A69, 388-395 (2013).
31. "The phase progression of γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles synthesized in a solvent-deficient environment", S. J. Smith, S. Amin, B. F. Woodfield, J. Boerio-Goates, B. J. Campbell, Inorganic Chemistry 52, 4411–4423 (2013).
30. "Equivalence of superspace groups", S. van Smaalen, B. J. Campbell and H. T. Stokes, Acta Cryst. A 69, 75-90 (2013).
29. "Novel synthesis and structural analysis of ferrihydrite", S. J. Smith, K. Page, H. Kim, B. J. Campbell, J. Boerio-Goates, B. F. Woodfield, Inorg. Chem. 51, 6421-6424 (2012).
28. "The superstructure determination of displacive distortions via symmetry-mode analysis", S. Kerman, B. J. Campbell, K. K. Satyavarapu, H. T. Stokes, F. Perselli, J. S. O. Evans, Acta. Cryst A68, 222-234 (2012).
27. "Generation of (3+d)-Dimensional Superspace Groups for Describing the Symmetry of Modulated Crystalline Structures", H. T. Stokes, B. J. Campbell, S. van Smaalen, Acta. Cryst A67, 45-55 (2011).
26. "Quantitative local displacements from Huang scattering normalized by thermal diffuse scattering", B. J. Campbell, Metal. Mater. Trans. A, 41, 1130-1135 (2010).
25. "Direct access to the order parameter: parameterized symmetry modes and rigid body movements as a function of temperature", M. Muller, R. E. Dinnebier, N. Z. Ali, B. J. Campbell, M. Jansen, Mater. Sci. Forum, 651, 79-95 (2010).
24. "Gd5Si4-xBix structures: novel slab sequences achieved by turning off the directionality of nearest-slab interactions", V. Svitlyk, B. Campbell, Y. Mozharivskyj, Inorganic Chemistry 48, 10364-10370 (2009).
23. "The flexible embedded-fiber neutron detector", T. K. McKnight, J. B. Czirr, K. Littrell, B. J. Campbell, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Research A 586, 246-250 (2008).
22. "Rietveld refinement of structural distortion-mode amplitudes", B. J. Campbell, J. S. O. Evans, F. Perselli, H. T. Stokes, IUCr Computing Commission Newsletter 8, 81-95 (2007). Single-article copy here.
21. "Order parameters for phase transitions to structures with one-dimensional incommensurate modulations", H. T. Stokes, B. J. Campbell, D. M. Hatch, Acta Cryst. A 63, 365-373 (2007).
20. "Microscopic annealing process and its impact on superconductivity in T'-structure electron-doped copper oxides", H.J. Kang, P. Dai, B.J. Campbell, P. J. Chupas, S. Rosenkranz, P. L. Lee, Q. Huang, S. Li, S. Komiya, Y. Ando , Nature Materials 6, 224-229 (2007). A review of this work can be found at Nature Materials 6, 179-180 (2007).
19. "ISODISPLACE: web-based tool for exploring structural distortions", B. J. Campbell, H. T. Stokes, D. E. Tanner, D. M. Hatch, J. Appl. Cryst. 39, 607-614 (2006).
18. "Diffuse scattering in the layered perovskites", B. J. Campbell, Z. Krist. 220, 1088 (2005).
17. "Structure, thermal expansion, and transport properties of BaCe1-xEuxO3-d oxides", J. X. Wang, L. P. Li, B. J. Campbell, Z. Lv, Y. Ji, Y. F. Xue, W. H. Su, Mater. Chem. Phys. 86, 150 (2004).
16. "Elucidation of zeolite microstructure by synchrotron X-ray diffuse scattering", B.J. Campbell, T.R. Welberry, R.W. Broach, Hawoong Hong, A.K. Cheetham, J. Appl. Cryst. 37, 187-192 (2004).
15. "Enhanced stability of charge and orbital order in La0.78Sr2.22Mn2O7", B. J. Campbell, D. N. Argyriou, J. F. Mitchell, R. Osborn, B. Ouladdiaf, C. D. Ling, Phys. Rev. B 69, 104403 (2004).
14. "Polaronic orbital polarization in a layered colossal magnetoresistive manganite", B.J. Campbell, S.K. Sinha, R. Osborn, S. Rosenkranz, J.F. Mitchell, D.N. Argyriou, L. Vasiliu-Doloc, O.H. Seeck, J.W. Lynn, Phys. Rev. B 67, 020409(R) (2003).
13. "Glass transition in the polaron dynamics of colossal mangetoresistive manganites", D.N. Argyriou, J.W. Lynn, R. Osborn, B.J. Campbell, J.F. Mitchell, U. Ruett, H.N. Bordallo, A. Wildes, C.D. Ling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 036401 (2002).
12. "Distinct insulating state below the Curie point in Pr0.7Ba0.3MnO3", A.K. Heilman, Y.Y. Xue, B. Lorentz, B.J. Campbell, J. Cmaidalka, R.L. Meng, Y.S. Wang, C.W. Chu, Phys. Rev. B 65, 214423 (2002).
11. "Linear framework defects in zeolite mordenite", B.J. Campbell, A.K. Cheetham, J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 57 (2002).
10. "The structure of Jahn-Teller polarons in the colossal magnetoresistive manganites", B. J. Campbell, S. J. L. Billinge, J. W. Lynn, S. K. Sinha, in From Semiconductors to Proteins, Beyond the Average Structure, eds. S. J. L. Billinge and M. F. Thorpe, Kluwer Academic, New York (2002).
09. "Structure of nanoscale polaron correlations in La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7", B.J. Campbell, R. Osborn, D.N. Argyriou, L. Vasiliu-Doloc, J.F. Mitchell, Z. Islam, C.D. Ling, S.K. Sinha, J. W. Lynn, Phys. Rev. B 65, 014427 (2001).
08. "The determination of Brønsted acid sites in zeolite ERS-7 by neutron and X-ray powder diffraction", B.J. Campbell, A.K. Cheetham, T. Vogt, L. Carluccio, W.O. Parker Jr., C. Flego, R. Millini, J. Phys. Chem. B 105, 1947 (2001).
07. "Cation-vacancy ordering in Na6[AlSiO4]6", S.R. Shannon, B.J. Campbell, H. Metiu, N. P. Blake, J. Chem Phys, 113, 10215 (2000).
06. "The cation-vacancy ordering transition in dehydrated Na6 sodalite", B.J. Campbell, J.M. Delgado, A.K. Cheetham, B.B. Iversen, N.P. Blake, S.R. Shannon, S. Latturner, G.D. Stucky, J. Chem Phys. 113, 10226 (2000).
05. "Charge ordering and phase competition in the layered perovskite LaSr2Mn2O7", D.N. Argyriou, H.N. Bordallo, B.J. Campbell, J.M. Delgado, A.K. Cheetham, D.E. Cox, A. Moreira dos Santos, G.F. Strouse, Phys. Rev. B 61, 15269 (2000).
04. "The synthesis of zeolite ERS-7 and its structure determination using simulated annealing and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data", R. Millini, G. Perego, L. Carluccio, G. Bellussi, D.E. Cox, B.J. Campbell, A.K. Cheetham, Proceedings of the 12th International Zeolite Conference Vol. I, pg. 541, Elsevier Science, New York, (1999).
03. "The synthesis of the new zeolite, ERS-7, and the determination of its structure by simulated annealing and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction", B.J. Campbell, G. Bellussi, L. Carluccio, G. Perego, A.K. Cheetham, D.E. Cox, R. Millini, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Comm., 1725 (1998).
02. "NMR study of ammonium magnesium langbeinite", B.J. Campbell, H.T. Stokes, J. Boerio-Goates, Phys. Rev. B, 51, 11315 (1995).
01. "Goldhelox: A Soft X-Ray Solar Telescope", D.S. Durfee, J.W. Moody, K.D. Brady, C. Brown, B. Campbell, M.K. Durfee, D. Early, E. Hansen, D. W. Madsen, D. B. Morey, P.W.A. Roming, M.B. Savage, P.F. Eastman, V. Jensen, J. X-ray Sci. Technol. 5, 20-28 (1995).