Welcome to the Frandsen Group!

About the Group

We are an experimental condensed matter physics group focused on investigating the structure and magnetism of fascinating--and often technologically promising--materials, such as superconductors, strongly correlated electron systems, multiferroics, magnetocalorics, molten salts for nuclear reactors, and more. We use beams of neutrons, x-rays, and muons produced at large-scale accelerator facilities to probe the atomic and magnetic correlations in these materials, together with advanced computational modeling to gain quantitative insight into the spatial arrangement of atoms and spins in a given material. Specific techniques include atomic and magnetic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis of neutron/x-ray total scattering data and muon spin relaxation/rotation (μSR). Interested and motivated undergraduate and prospective graduate students are encouraged to reach out to learn more about our research and find opportunities to participate.

Research Projects

Thermoelectrics, Magnetocalorics, and Multiferroics--Oh My!

This project focuses on the connection between the local atomic and magnetic structure and the energy-relevant properties of magnetocaloric, thermoelectric, and multiferroic materials. Magnetocaloric materials exhibit large temperature changes with the application and removal of a magnetic field, offering promising applications in solid-state refrigeration and waste heat harvesting. Thermoelectric materials experience an electrical voltage when subjected to a temperature gradient or vice versa, also providing novel routes for energy-efficient cooling and waste heat harvesting. Multiferroic materials show cross-order coupling between electric polarization and magnetic order, potentially enabling unique functionalities for energy transformation, information science, and signal processing. We are using combined atomic and magnetic pair distribution function analysis, together with muon spin spectroscopy, to establish the local atomic and magnetic structure of representative compounds for these material classes and better understand the origin of their outstanding properties. In the process, we are developing new experimental and computational methods for magnetic pair distribution function analysis, which will be widely applicable to many other materials, as well. Funding: US Department of Energy, Early Career program.

Superconductors, Geometrically Frustrated Magnets, Magnetic Nanoparticles, and More

We maintain broad interest and involvement in structural studies of numerous material systems where knowledge of the local atomic and magnetic structure can add value. We have ongoing projects on iron-based superconductors, geometrically frustrated triangular lattice antiferromagnets, magnetic nanoparticles, Mott insulator systems, high-entropy alloys and oxides, and more. We are always open to collaborations on interesting material systems.

Molten Salts For Improved Nuclear Reactors

Molten salt reactors (MSRs) are a promising nuclear reactor design concept in which molten ionic salts function as the coolant and/or fuel source in the reactor. MSRs have many potential advantages over standard designs in commercial use today, including greatly enhanced safety/security and the ability to produce critical medical radioisotopes in addition to vast amounts of carbon-free electricity. To make MSRs a reality, it is necessary to understand and predict the behavior of the salts in operating conditions. Gaining a detailed knowledge of the local structure of the molten salts on the atomic scale is an essential step in this direction, since the local interactions between constituent atoms determine the macroscopic properties. In this project, we use cutting-edge neutron and x-ray total scattering and computational modeling techniques to establish the structure of relevant molten salts. We work closely with collaborators in BYU Chemical Engineering. Funding: US Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy University Program (pending).

Selected Publications

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The past few decades have made clear that the properties and performances of emerging functional and quantum materials can depend strongly on their local atomic and/or magnetic structure, particularly when details of the local structure deviate from the long-range structure averaged over space and time. Traditional methods of structural refinement (e.g., Rietveld) are typically sensitive only to the average structure, creating a need for more advanced structural probes suitable for extracting information about structural correlations on short length- and time-scales. In this Perspective, we describe the importance of local magnetic structure in several classes of emerging materials and present the magnetic pair distribution function (mPDF) technique as a powerful tool for studying short-range magnetism from neutron total-scattering data. We then provide a selection of examples of mPDF analysis applied to magnetic materials of recent technological and fundamental interest, including the antiferromagnetic semiconductor MnTe, geometrically frustrated magnets, and iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles. The rapid development of mPDF analysis since its formalization a decade ago puts this technique in a strong position for making continued impact in the study of local magnetism in emerging materials.

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By Christiana Z. Suggs, Emma Zappala, and Benjamin A. Frandsen (et al.)

Manganese telluride (MnTe) is a prospective platform for ultrafast carrier dynamics, spin-based thermoelectrics, and magnon-drag transport due to its unique electronic and magnetic properties. We use inelastic neutron scattering to study both pure and lithium-doped MnTe, focusing on the influence of doping in opening a magnon gap. We use neutron powder diffraction to determine critical exponents for the phase transition in both pure and Li-doped MnTe and complement this information with muon spin rotation/relaxation. The opening of the magnon gap and spin reorientation in Li-doped MnTe is mainly due to increased magnetic anisotropy along the [001] axis, a feature not present in pure MnTe.

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By Braedon Jones, Christiana Z. Suggs, and Benjamin A. Frandsen (et al.)

We present a detailed study of the local atomic and magnetic structure of the type-I multiferroic perovskite system (Sr,Ba) (Mn,Ti) O3 using x-ray and neutron pair distribution function (PDF) analysis, polarized neutron scattering, and muon spin relaxation (μSR) techniques. The atomic PDF analysis reveals widespread nanoscale tetragonal distortions of the crystal structure even in the paraelectric phase with average cubic symmetry, corresponding to incipient ferroelectricity in the local structure. Magnetic PDF analysis, polarized neutron scattering, and μSR likewise confirm the presence of short-range antiferromagnetic correlations in the paramagnetic state, which grow in magnitude as the temperature approaches the magnetic transition. We show that these short-range magnetic correlations coincide with a reduction of the tetragonal (i.e., ferroelectric) distortion in the average structure, suggesting that short-range magnetism can play an important role in magnetoelectric and/or magnetostructural phenomena even without genuine long-range magnetic order. The reduction of the tetragonal distortion scales linearly with the local magnetic order parameter, pointing to spontaneous linear magnetoelectric coupling in this system. These findings provide greater insight into the multiferroic properties of (Sr,Ba) (Mn,Ti) O3 and demonstrate the importance of investigating the local atomic and magnetic structure to gain a deeper understanding of the intertwined degrees of freedom in multiferroics.

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By Kristina Michelle Nuttall, Christiana Z. Suggs, and Benjamin A. Frandsen (et al.)

We present a neutron diffraction study of NaYbO2, a candidate quantum spin-liquid (QSL) compound hosting a geometrically frustrated triangular lattice of magnetic Yb3+ ions. We observe diffuse magnetic scattering that persists to at least 20 K, demonstrating the presence of short-range magnetic correlations in this system up to a relatively high-energy scale. Using a reverse Monte Carlo and magnetic pair distribution function analysis, we confirm the predominant antiferromagnetic nature of these correlations and show that the diffuse scattering data can be well described by noninteracting layers of Heisenberg or XY spins on the triangular lattice. We rule out Ising spins and short-range-ordered stripe or 120 phases as candidate ground states of NaYbO2. These results are consistent with a possible QSL ground state in NaYbO2 and showcase the benefit of a combined reciprocal- and real-space analysis of materials with short-range magnetic correlations.

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By Emma Zappala and Benjamin A. Frandsen (et al.)

Magnetic properties of more than 20 Cantor alloy samples of varying composition were investigated over a temperature range of 5 K to 300 K and in fields of up to 70 kOe using magnetometry and muon spin relaxation. Two transitions are identified: a spin-glass-like transition that appears between 55 K  and 190 K, depending on composition, and a ferrimagnetic transition that occurs at approximately 43 K in multiple samples with widely varying compositions. The magnetic signatures at 43 K  are remarkably insensitive to chemical composition. A modified Curie-Weiss model was used to fit the susceptibility data and to extract the net effective magnetic moment for each sample. The resulting values for the net effective moment were either diminished with increasing Cr or Mn concentrations or enhanced with decreasing Fe, Co, or Ni concentrations. Beyond a sufficiently large effective moment, the magnetic ground state transitions from ferrimagnetism to ferromagnetism. The effective magnetic moments, together with the corresponding compositions, are used in a global linear regression analysis to extract element-specific effective magnetic moments, which are compared to the values obtained by ab initio based density functional theory calculations. These moments provide the information necessary to controllably tune the magnetic properties of Cantor alloy variants.

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By Raju Baral, Branton J. Campbell, and Benjamin A. Frandsen (et al.)

A comprehensive x-ray scattering study of spontaneous magnetostriction in hexagonal MnTe, an antiferromagnetic semiconductor with a Néel temperature of TN = 307 K, is presented. The largest spontaneous magnetovolume effect known for an antiferromagnet is observed, reaching a volume contraction of |ΔV/V| > 7 × 10−3. This can be justified semiquantitatively by considering bulk material properties, the spatial dependence of the superexchange interaction, and the geometrical arrangement of magnetic moments in MnTe. The highly unusual linear scaling of the magnetovolume effect with the short-range magnetic correlations, beginning in the paramagnetic state well above TN, points to a novel physical mechanism, which is explained in terms of a trilinear coupling of the elastic strain with superposed distinct domains of the antiferromagnetic order parameter. This novel mechanism for coupling lattice strain to robust short-range magnetic order casts new light on magnetostrictive phenomena and also provides a template by which the exceptional magnetostrictive properties of MnTe might be realized in a wide range of other functional materials.