Content for Physics 240
The Complete Physics 240 Packet: 240Packet.pdf
Availability of C460:
- Regular Availability: C460Available.pdf
- Finals Week: C460FinalsAvailable.pdf
Machine Shop:
- Machining Lab Regulations and Safety: MachiningLabRegulationsAndSafety.pdf
- Virtual Machining Tutorial: VirtualMachiningTutorial.html
- Machine Tool Speeds and Feeds: ToolSpeeds.pdf
- Heater Block drawing: HeaterBlock.pdf
- Heater Block job sheet: HeaterBlockJobSheet.pdf
- Brass Cap drawing: BrassCap.pdf
- Brass Cap job sheet: BrassCapJobSheet.pdf
- Cooling Rod with drawn threads: CoolingRodDrawn.pdf
- Cooling Rod with cosmetic threads: CoolingRodCosmetic.pdf
- Cooling Rod job sheet: CoolingRodJobSheet.pdf
Computer-Aided Design: SolidWorks Exercises
- Heater Block: SW-HeaterBlock.pdf
- Cooling Rod (cosmetic threads): SW-CoolingRodCosmetic.pdf
- Cooling Rod (drawn threads): SW-CoolingRodDrawn.pdf
- Brass Cap: SW-BrassCap.pdf
LabVIEW Exercises
- Is Your Data Inaccurate Because of Instrumentation Amplifier Settling Time?: //
NI 6221 Specifications: // - M-Series User Manual: //
- PCI- 6040E or PCI-MIO-16E-4 Specifications: //
- E-Series User Manual: //
Effective Analog Input and Output:
- Considerations for Analog Input and Output: AnalogIOConsiderations.pdf
Measurements, Uncertainties, and Noise:
- Measurements and Errors: MeasurementAndErrors.pdf
- Statistics Review for Experimental Measurements: StatisticsReview.pdf
- Noise Plots: NoisePlots.html
The Lab Notebook
- Lab Notebook Handout: LabNotebook.pdf
Thermal Measurements Lab:
- Thermal Measurements Lab Handout: TemperatureMeasurementHandout.pdf
- Heater Construction Handout: HeaterConstruction.pdf
- Heater Material Data Sheet: Altemp-HX.pdf
- Four-Lead Measurements: FourLeadMeasurements.pdf
- Temperature Transducers: TemperatureTransducers.pdf
- Measuring Temperature with a Silicon Diode: DiodeThermometerAnalysis.pdf
- Diode Calibration: DiodeCalibration.pdf
- 1N4148 Diode Data Sheet: 1N4148-1N4448-4.pdf
- Constant Current Source: ConstantCurrentSource.pdf
- Circuit Board for Constant Current Source: 240PCBoardDescription.pdf
- Assembled Power Supply: AssembledPowerSupply.jpg
- 2N3906 PNP Transistor: 2N3906.pdf
- Dual Op-Amp Data sheet: TL3472CP.pdf
- Single Op-Amp Data sheet: LM741.pdf
- Manual for Kepco ATE36-8: KepcoATE36-8mManual.pdf
- Constant current.pdf: ConstantCurrent.pdf
- Constant current.png: ConstantCurrent.png
- Constant current.jpg: ConstantCurrent.jpg
- Monitor-less Constant current.pdf: ConstantCurrentNoMonitor.pdf
- Monitor-less Constant current.png: ConstantCurrentNoMonitor.png
- Monitor-less Constant current.jpg: ConstantCurrentNoMonitor.jpg
Fitting Curves to Experimental data
- How to fit data with Logger Pro: LoggerProHandout.pdf
- Fitting with Mathematica: MathematicaHandout.pdf
- Mathematica NSLQFit: NLSQfit240.nb
- Mathematica Superconductors file: SuperconductorParametersAndUncertainty.nb
- Fitting with Matlab: MatlabHandout.pdf
- Matlab fitting file: FitExperiment.m
- Excel Handout: ExcelHandout.pdf
Temperature Controller and Contest:
- Handout: TemperatureControllerAndContest.pdf
- Comparisons of controller methods: WinklerTechnicalReport.pdf
Superconductivity Measurements Lab
- Instructions: SuperconductorRvsT.pdf
- Superconductor Transition Measurement Hints: SuperconductorHints.pdf
Superconductivity Formal Paper:
- Instructions: SuperconductorReport.pdf
- Drawing of Superconductor and diode.pdf: SuperconductorDrawing.pdf
- Drawing of Superconductor and diode.png: SuperconductorDrawing.png
- Drawing of Superconductor and diode.jpg: SuperconductorDrawing.jpg
- Picture of Superconductor and diode.pdf: SuperconductorPicture.pdf
- Picture of Superconductor and diode.png: SuperconductorPicture.png
- Picture of Superconductor and diode.jpg: SuperconductorPicture.jpg
- Picture of Connector on the superconductor adapter cable.pdf: SuperconductorCableDrawing.pdf
- Picture of Connector on the superconductor adapter cable.png: SuperconductorCableDrawing.png
- Picture of Connector on the superconductor adapter cable.jpg: SuperconductorCableDrawing.jpg
Ethics Discussion:
- Handout: EthicsDiscussion.pdf
Student-Designed Experiments:
- Group Projects and Presentations: GroupProjectPresentations.pdf
- Project Proposals: ProjectProposals.pdf
- Bibliography: Bibliography.pdf
Manuals For Equipment Used in Physics 240
- Multimeter (Cen-TechP35017): Cen-TechP35017Multimeter.pdf
- Fluke 51 K/J Thermometer: Fluke51KJThermometer.pdf
- HP3311A Function Generator: HP3311AManual.pdf