Physics 461 - Introduction to Acoustics
Course Information
Physics 461 Winter 2018
T/TH 12:05 – 1:20 pm (3 credits)
C247 Eyring Science Center
Instructor: Dr. Kent L. Gee
What is Physics 461?
In Introduction to Acoustics, you will:
- Examine physical and mathematical principles behind radiation, transmission, and reception of sound waves
- Learn physical principles behind noise control techniques
- Solve “real-world” problems
- Strengthen technical writing abilities
- Gain experience with taking and analyzing data
- Build skills in packages such as MATLAB
Why take Physics 461?
Introduction to Acoustics balances mathematical rigor of the physical sciences and acquisition of practical skills in an exciting and valuable field. How valuable? There is on-going demand for students with a background in acoustics and this course builds your resume. Recent students have had acoustics internships at Boeing, NASA, Apple, and Caterpillar, to name a few. Students have gone on to jobs at companies such as JBL, Northrop Grumman, Starkey, Raytheon, government laboratories, and various consulting and engineering firms.
Studens can receive major credit for B.S. degrees in:
- Physics Teaching
- Applied Physics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
When should I take Physics 461?
Physics 461 is offered winter semester so that students can take it during their junior year. This prepares them to conduct their senior thesis/capstone research, for an internship, and to take the entry-level graduate courses, Physics 513R and 561, during their senior year.
Student Testimonials
“…most enjoyable physics class I have taken.”
“…zero ‘busy work’ in the homework.”
“I enjoyed the blend of theory and real-world applications.”