Scott Sommerfeldt - Retired Professor, BYU Department of Physics and Astronomy

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Scott Sommerfeldt

Scott Sommerfeldt

Retired Professor


Office Hours

MWF 2:00 - 3:00

Meetings and Assignments

  • Phscs 123 - MWF 1:00 - 2:00
  • Devotional/Forum - Tuesday, 11:00 am
  • Acoustics Research Group Meeting - Thurs 4:00 pm
  • CAT Research Mtg - Wed 10:00 am
  • ARG Presidency Mtg - Tues 4:00 pm
  • NSF Research Mtg - Mon 3:30 pm



Specialty: Active and passive noise control; energy-based acoustics

Research Website

Supervised Theses and Dissertations

Publication List