- Morrill, Steven M., “Low-Energy Multiple-Coulomb Scattering in Thick Foils,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (PhD Dissertation, Aug 1984).
- Worle, Helmut A., “Comparative Study of Four Methods of Thickness Measurements of Thin Film Targets,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Jan 1975).
- Peel, Roger James, “Isobaric analog doublet near 1535 keV in the 55Mn(p.8)56Fe reaction,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Aug 1973).
- Simmons, Rulon Eugene, “Fully Automatic Light Metering System for Microfiliming,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Jan 1972).
- Langley, Charley C, “Interest in Photography as Motivation in Learning Physics,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Aug 1970).
- Beckstrand, Dale F, “Level Structure of 41K as Deduced from the 40K (n,y)41K and 39K(t,p)41K Reactions,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (PhD Dissertation, Jan 1970).
- Snow, Peter Ballard, “Spins and Parities of the 1514 Kev and 1726 Kev Resonances in the 27 Al (p.8) 28 Si Reaction,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Jan 1970).
- Walter, Roger E., “Polarization Measurements of 16.5-MeV and 22.1-MeV Neutrons Elastically Scattered from Liquid Tritium and Liquid Deuterium,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (PhD Dissertation, Jan 1970).
- Hsu, James S., “A Study of the Modes of Vibration of Violin Plates,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Jan 1965).
- Alsup, James Mcneil, “The Added Stiffness of Bass Piano Wires Due to the Copper Winding,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Aug 1964).
- Howard, Blaine Noah Jr, “Neutron capture gamma rays from iron,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Aug 1964).
- Watts, Joseph L., “Production and Measurement of Fast Neutrons,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Jan 1963).
- Christensen, Dean E, “Production of Fast Neutrons,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, May 1962).
- Shaw, Weilding T., “Design and Construction of a 100 K.V. Cockroft-Walton Accelerator,” Advisor: Dwight Dixon (Masters Thesis, Jan 1961).