- Fitzgerald, Holly Elizabeth, “Computational Exploration of the Entropic Prior over Spaces of Low Dimensionality ,” Advisor: Everett Larson (Masters Thesis, Aug 1997).
- Dukes, Phillip R, “A Beyesian Approach to Quantum State Determination ,” Advisor: Everett Larson (PhD Dissertation, Aug 1996).
- Li, Mingsheng, “Charge Density and Electrostatic Potential in Molecules,” Advisor: Everett Larson (Masters Thesis, Aug 1992).
- Barrows, Eugene C, “Consequences of Inertia in Stochastic Fluids,” Advisor: Everett Larson (Masters Thesis, Aug 1990).
- Eggleston, Steve W, “New electrodynamic and electrostatic models with application sto antenna theory, superconductor slots, and lasers,” Advisor: Everett Larson (PhD Dissertation, Dec 1988).
- Richards, Kenneth George, “Plotting Vector Field Lines: A General Approach,” Advisor: Everett Larson (Masters Thesis, Aug 1988).
- Eggleston, Steve W, “The Physical Nature and Applications of the Singular Associated Legendre Functions,” Advisor: Everett Larson (Masters Thesis, Dec 1986).
- McKeen, Leighton E., “Reduced Density Operators and Reduced Transition Operators Expanded over Irreducible Tensor Operators,” Advisor: Everett Larson (PhD Dissertation, Aug 1980).
- Hall, Andreas F, “Reference Density Matrices Induced from Information Theory and their Value in the Description of the Fermi and Coulomb Holes—Calculations for the Lowest Two IS States of B+,” Advisor: Everett Larson (PhD Dissertation, Apr 1974).
- Day, Orville Wayne, “Four Wavefunctions of the B+ Ion; Associated Oscillator Strengths; Theoretical Development of Particle-Hole Green Function,” Advisor: Everett Larson (PhD Dissertation, Apr 1973).