- Price, Rodney Delmar, “Impulse-Response Measurements in Tubes by M-Sequence Cross-Correlation,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (Masters Thesis, Apr 1986).
- Zuvich, Linda Ann, “Examining Classical Guitars Using Time-Varying Spectral Analysis,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (Masters Thesis, Dec 1985).
- Setterstrom, Richard D., “Deconvolution Algorithms for Impulse-Response Measurements of Rooms,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (PhD Dissertation, Apr 1985).
- Kinnaugh, Norman T., “Initial Transients in Organ Flue Pipes: Computer Analysis of the Effects of Two Computer Analysis of the Effects of Two Different Wind Chest Actions,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (Masters Thesis, Apr 1980).
- Peterson, Robert Henry, “A Visual Speech Communication Code Using Selected Partials and Formants,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (Masters Thesis, Dec 1977).
- Bird, Richard E., “Calculation of Aerosol Particle Parameters from Measured MIE Scattering,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (PhD Dissertation, Jan 1971).
- Pehrson, Bruce Nathan, “The Determination of Absolute Values of the Parameters in a Laser Light Scattering Experiment,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (Masters Thesis, May 1970).
- Wilkins, Steven Curtis, “Determination of Aerosol Size-Distribution with Laser Light-Scattering at Various Wavelengths a Feasibility Study,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (Masters Thesis, May 1970).
- Loveridge, Ronald C, “Measuring Stratospheric Aerosol by Polarized Laser Light Scattering,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (Masters Thesis, Aug 1968).
- Bean, Brent L., “Raman Shifting and Frequency Doubling of Ruby-Laser Light to Generate New Wavelengths,” Advisor: Paul Palmer (Masters Thesis, Jan 1968).