Specialty: Galaxy nuclear variability, remote observing, large-scale galaxy distribution
Supervised Theses and Dissertations
Professional Bio
- PhD in Astronomy from the University of Michigan (Robert Kirshner advisor).
- Post-doctoral researcher, The Institute for Astronomy at the University of New Mexico, Stephen Gregory and Jack Burns advisors.
- Assistant Professor, Weber State University.
- Full Professor BYU. On BYU faculty since 1990.
- Formerly department graduate coordinator, head of BYU astronomy group, head of physical science program, managing editor of the ASP Conference Series.
- Former member of the American Astronomical Society Publication Board
- Contributed to the discovery of galaxies in voids, type Ib supernovae, carbon stars.
- Current research is on the character of galaxy voids in models and surveys and developing photometric redshift measure from specialized ramp filters.