Chris Verhaaren - Assistant Professor, BYU Department of Physics and Astronomy

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Chris Verhaaren

Chris Verhaaren

Assistant Professor


Office Hours

By Appointment

Meetings and Assignments

Theory Group Meetings: Tuesdays at 3pm in N209 ESC

Particles and Fields Research Group Meeting: Tuesdays 4pm-5pm in N216 ESC 

University of Utah High Energy and Astrophysics Seminar: Thursday 4pm

Winter 2025 Teaching Schedule

Physics 452 1:00p - 1:50p MWF C247 ESC
Physics 492R TBA TBA TBA TBA
Physics 498R TBA TBA TBA TBA
Physics 522 2:00p - 2:50p MWF C266 ESC


Specialty: High Energy Theory; Particle Theory; Particle Phenomenology; Quantum Field Theory

Supervised Theses and Dissertations

Publication List

Professional Bio

Bachelors (2009) and Masters (2010) in physics at BYU, research focused on black holes in higher dimensions.
PhD (2016) from the University of Maryland in 2016 in elementary particle theory.
Worked as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, at Davis from 2016-2019 and at Irvine from 2019-2021.
My doctoral and postdoctoral research has focused on understanding the structure of Universe's most fundamental dynamics. I build models that address questions about the Universe and determine how these models can be tested experimentally.

Up to date links to much of my work is found on my HEPinspire page.