Physics Senior Exam
All Seniors need to take the Major Field Test (MFT) exam before graduation. We use the exam as a Department to assess your learning experience. There is no charge to you for taking the exam, but it is a graduation requirement.
The MFT is a 70 question, 2 hour timed exam written by Educational Testing Services (ETS), the same people who do the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). It assesses your physics knowledge and compare your results to our past students as well as to students at other universities.
This test is available now in the testing center and will be there until March 26th at 5pm. We highly encourage you to take the major field test earlier than this, however.
Due to the unique circumstances of the 2020-2021 academic year, if you are unable to come to campus to take the Major Field Test please contact Heather Schuldt.
There is no grading or passing requirement on the exam, but we do ask you to sign a statement that you did your best.
You can see sample questions here:
In this exam, no formulas are given, only physical constants.
We realize this may not be the most fun senior activity, but thanks for helping us improve the Department by taking this exam.