Denise Stephens

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Denise Stephens

Denise Stephens

Associate Professor


Office Hours

MWF 4-5 pm

Meetings and Assignments

Research Meeting Times TBD

Fall 2024 Teaching Schedule

Physics 227 11:00a - 11:50a
Physics 498R TBA


Specialty: Brown Dwarfs, Transiting Planets, Young Stellar Objects, IR Observing, Space Telescopes

Supervised Theses and Dissertations

Publication List

Professional Bio

Dr. Stephen's received her bachelors degree from BYU and her masters and PhD from New Mexico State University and then went on to work at the Space Telescope Science Institute and Johns Hopkins University before coming to BYU. She specializes in the study of brown dwarf atmospheres.  She is also interested in using space telescopes like HST to identify and characterize close binary systems, primarily brown dwarf and low-mass stellar binaries.  She studies transiting extrasolar planets and takes data with BYU's 16" telescope as well as working with the Kepler data set.  She is also interested in any science that uses space or ground based telescopes to collect data in the infrared.