- Fleming, Taylor, “AstroPyplyne: ARCSAT Data Reduction in Astropy,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2024).
- Shakespear, Zac, “Silicates as an Explanation for Discrepancies in Atmospheric Modeling of L-Type Brown Dwarfs,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2024).
- Scoresby, Conner, “Near-Infrared Single and Binary Spectral Fits for Investigating a Color Gap in L/T Transition Brown Dwarfs,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2023).
- Campbell, Emma, “Photometric Analysis and Modeling of a TESS Object of Interest,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2022).
- Christensen, Isaac, “Searching for Brown Dwarf Binary Systems: Testing the PSF Fitting Code,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2022).
- Beus, Loic, “Identifying Possible Binary Brown Dwarf Systems Using Point Spread Function Model Fitting,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Dec 2021).
- Turner, Savanah, “The Search for Brown Dwarf Binary Systems: Improving the Spectral Fitting Code,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2021).
- Hansen, Jarrod, “Searching for Brown Dwarf Binaries using GAIA, UKIRT and SpeX,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2021).
- Clark, Ian, “The Periods and Stability of ZZ Piscium,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2020).
- Eberhard, John-Michael, “Statistical Spectral Fitting of Brown Dwarf Binary Candidates,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2020).
- Frischknecht, Elisabeth, “Exoplanetary Candidates Around HD100546 in Archival ACS Data,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2019).
- Spencer, Alex, “Automating Noise Reduction Procedures for Exoplanet Research,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2019).
- Welch, Emily, “Looking for Brown Dwarf Binaries with a PSF Fitting Python Script,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Aug 2018).
- Safsten, Emily Diane, “Using advanced PSF subtraction techniques on archival data of Herbig Ae/Be stars to search for new candidate companions,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Masters Thesis, Aug 2017).
- Matt, Kyle, “Using Model Point Spread Functions to Identify Possible Binary Brown Dwarf Systems,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2017).
- Patterson, Andrew, “Data Reduction Script for Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope Transit Survey,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2017).
- Farnbach, Leanne, “Statistical Spectral Fitting of Potential Brown Dwarf Binary Systems,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2017).
- Fischer, Ben, “Reduction and Analysis of KELT Data \\to Confirm Transiting Planets,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Dec 2015).
- Gaillard, Clement, “Detecting Planets around Low-mass Stars in the Kepler Field,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Dec 2015).
- Gardner, Doug, “Searching for Unresolved Binary Brown Dwarfs in the Hubble Archives,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Aug 2015).
- Salway, Elora, “Using Point-Spread Dunctions to Identify and Characterize Unresolved Binary Brown Dwarfs,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2015).
- Wright, Katrina, “Spectral Fitting of Brown Dwarf Binaries Using C++,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2015).
- Stewart, Brigitte, “Morphological Variation in Dune Parameters on Titan Reveals Formation Environment of Dunes,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Dec 2014).
- Stoker, Emily, “A Model for A Contact Eclipsing Binary System in the Field of KOI 1152,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Jun 2014).
- Ranquist, Emily, “A Compilation and Description of Scripts Written for the Optimization of Photometric Procedures,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Aug 2013).
- Larson, Tess, “Using DAOPHOT to Locate KOI 667.01,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Aug 2013).
- Rawlins, Joseph, “Infrared Colors Of Trans-Neptunian Objects Observed With Hst,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Aug 2012).
- Liu, Muxue, “Observations on the Transiting Planet around KOI1152,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2012).
- Cook, Nathaniel, “Can The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Detect And Identify Interstellar Comets?,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Apr 2012).
- Buehler, Tabitha Christi, “A Search for and Characterization of Young Stellar Objects in N206, An H II Complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (PhD Dissertation, Dec 2011).
- DeWitt, Andrew, “Sensitivity Measurements for Two West Mountain Observatory CCDs and Exposure Times for Observing Exoplanets,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Aug 2011).
- Esplin, Taran, “Statistical Spectral Fitting of the Brown Dwarf Binary System 2M0559,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Senior Thesis, Dec 2010).
- Allen, Daniel R, “Temperature and Variability of Three Ionian Volcanoes,” Advisor: Denise Stephens (Masters Thesis, Aug 2010).