News and Events

Mathew Cherukara
Friday, September 20, 12:00 PM (C215 ESC, and online)
High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence Enabled Materials Characterization and Experimental Automation

The capabilities provided by next generation light sources along with the development of new characterization techniques and detector advances are revolutionizing materials characterization (metrology) by providing the ability to perform scale-bridging, multi-modal materials characterization under in-situ and operando conditions. For example, providing the ability to image in 3D large fields of view (~mm3) at high resolution (<10 nm), while simultaneously acquiring information about structure, strain, elemental composition, oxidation state, photovoltaic response etc.


However, these novel capabilities dramatically increase the complexity and volume of data generated. Conventional data processing and analysis methods become infeasible in the face of such large and varied data streams. The use of AI/ML methods is becoming indispensable for real-time analysis, data abstraction and decision making at advanced, high-data rate instruments. I will describe how high-performance computing (HPC) along with AI on edge devices enables real-time data analysis and self-driving experiments, creating the next generation of AI-powered materials characterization tools.


1. Babu, Anakha V., et al. "Deep learning at the edge enables real-time streaming ptychographic imaging." Nature Communications 14.1 (2023): 7059.

2. Kandel, Saugat, et al. "Demonstration of an AI-driven workflow for autonomous high-resolution scanning microscopy." Nature Communications 14.1 (2023): 5501.

3. Yao, Yudong, et al. "AutoPhaseNN: unsupervised physics-aware deep learning of 3D nanoscale Bragg coherent diffraction imaging." npj Computational Materials 8.1 (2022): 1-8.

4. Chan, Henry, et al. "Rapid 3D nanoscale coherent imaging via physics-aware deep learning." Applied Physics Reviews 8.2 (2021): 021407.

5. Cherukara, Mathew J., et al. "AI-enabled high-resolution scanning coherent diffraction imaging." Applied Physics Letters 117.4 (2020): 044103.

6. Cherukara, M. J., Nashed, Y. S., & Harder, R. J. (2018). Real-time coherent diffraction inversion using deep generative networks. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-8.

Thumbnail of The Dark Seahorse of Cepheus
Spanning light-years, this suggestive shape known as the Seahorse Nebula floats in silhouette against a rich, luminous background of stars. Seen toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus, the dusty, dark nebula is part of a Milky Way molecular cloud some 1,200 light-years distant. It is also listed as Barnard 150 (B150), one of 182 dark markings of the sky cataloged in the early 20th century by astronomer E. E. Barnard. Packs of low mass stars are forming within, but their collapsing cores are only visible at long infrared wavelengths. Still, the colorful Milky Way stars of Cepheus add to this stunning galactic skyscape. Growing Gallery: This week's supermoon eclipse
Mount Timpanogos with sky above
Temperature:63.4 F
Rel. Humidity: 41%
Pressure:29.97 Inches Hg
Image for New Students: Welcome!
The Department of Physics and Astronomy is excited to welcome students to a new year. This video briefly introduces new students to our faculty and staff.
Image for Society of Physics Students Awarded Outreach Grant
BYU's SPS is selected for Marsh Award for their outreach plan with Boys & Girls Club
Image for Rocket Noise and Bird Songs
Hart, Gee, and their research group study the impact of rocket noise on wildlife

Selected Publications

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By Kent L. Gee, Bradley W. McLaughlin, Logan T. Mathews, Grant W. Hart, and Mark C. Anderson (et al.)

As the global space industry expands, rockets are being launched from a greater number of spaceports with a rapidly increasing cadence. Because of the growth in the number of spaceports, the cadence increase, and efforts at vehicle optimization to reduce weight and cost, noise has the potential to create harmful impacts – from vehicle vibroacoustic loading to expanded environmental footprint. This paper provides a brief overview of current Australian spaceport and launch vehicle development, which involves near-term plans for small-payload orbital launches. Bounds on overall sound power level from these rockets is described, as well as maximum overall sound pressure level using two different models. One of these models, RUMBLE, is used to show maximum predicted levels at the Great Barrier Reef. Eventual refinement and validation of these predictions will aid in assessing potential noise impacts on vehicles, structures, communities, and threatened and endangered species.

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By Benjamin C. N. Proudfoot, Darin A. Ragozzine, Meagan L. Thatcher, Dallin J. Spencer, Tahina M. Alailima, Sawyer Allen, Penelope C. Bowden, Susanne Byrd, Conner D. Camacho, Gibson H. Campbell, Edison P. Carlisle, Jacob A. Christensen, Noah K. Christensen, Kaelyn Clement, Benjamin J. Derieg, Mara K. Dille, Cristian Dorrett, Abigail L. Ellefson, Taylor S. Fleming, N. J. Freeman, Ethan J. Gibson, William G. Giforos, Jacob A. Guerrette, Olivia Haddock, S. Ashton Hammond, Zachary A. Hampson, Joshua D. Hancock, Madeline S. Harmer, Joseph R. Henderson, Chandler R. Jensen, David Jensen, Ryleigh E. Jensen, Joshua S. Jones, Cameron C. Kubal, Jacob N. Lunt, Stephanie Martins, McKenna Matheson, Dahlia Maxwell, Timothy D. Morrell, McKenna M. Myckowiak, Maia A. Nelsen, Spencer T. Neu, Giovanna G. Nuccitelli, Kayson M. Reardon, Austin S. Reid, Kenneth G. Richards, Megan R. W. Robertson, Tanner D. Rydalch, Conner B. Scoresby, Ryan L. Scott, Zacory D. Shakespear, Elliot A. Silveira, Grace C. Steed, Christiana Z. Suggs, Garrett D. Suggs, Derek M. Tobias, Matthew L. Toole, McKayla L. Townsend, Kade L. Vickers, Collin R. Wagner, Madeline S. Wright, and Emma M. A. Zappala (et al.)

About 40 trans-Neptunian binaries (TNBs) have fully determined orbits with about 10 others being solved except for breaking the mirror ambiguity. Despite decades of study, almost all TNBs have only ever been analyzed with a model that assumes perfect Keplerian motion (e.g., two point masses). In reality, all TNB systems are non-Keplerian due to nonspherical shapes, possible presence of undetected system components, and/or solar perturbations. In this work, we focus on identifying candidates for detectable non-Keplerian motion based on sample of 45 well-characterized binaries. We use MultiMoon, a non-Keplerian Bayesian inference tool, to analyze published relative astrometry allowing for nonspherical shapes of each TNB system's primary. We first reproduce the results of previous Keplerian fitting efforts with MultiMoon, which serves as a comparison for the non-Keplerian fits and confirms that these fits are not biased by the assumption of a Keplerian orbit. We unambiguously detect non-Keplerian motion in eight TNB systems across a range of primary radii, mutual orbit separations, and system masses. As a proof of concept for non-Keplerian fitting, we perform detailed fits for (66652) Borasisi-Pabu, possibly revealing a J2 ≈ 0.44, implying Borasisi (and/or Pabu) may be a contact binary or an unresolved compact binary. However, full confirmation of this result will require new observations. This work begins the next generation of TNB analyses that go beyond the point mass assumption to provide unique and valuable information on the physical properties of TNBs with implications for their formation and evolution.

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By E. Cunningham and R. L. Sandberg (et al.)

Shock-bubble interactions (SBIs) are important across a wide range of physical systems. In inertial confinement fusion, interactions between laser-driven shocks and micro-voids in both ablators and foam targets generate instabilities that are a major obstacle in achieving ignition. Experiments imaging the collapse of such voids at high energy densities (HED) are constrained by spatial and temporal resolution, making simulations a vital tool in understanding these systems. In this study, we benchmark several radiation and thermal transport models in the xRAGE hydrodynamic code against experimental images of a collapsing mesoscale void during the passage of a 300 GPa shock. We also quantitatively examine the role of transport physics in the evolution of the SBI. This allows us to understand the dynamics of the interaction at timescales shorter than experimental imaging framerates. We find that all radiation models examined reproduce empirical shock velocities within experimental error. Radiation transport is found to reduce shock pressures by providing an additional energy pathway in the ablation region, but this effect is small (similar to 1% of total shock pressure). Employing a flux-limited Spitzer model for heat conduction, we find that flux limiters between 0.03 and 0.10 produce agreement with experimental velocities, suggesting that the system is well-within the Spitzer regime. Higher heat conduction is found to lower temperatures in the ablated plasma and to prevent secondary shocks at the ablation front, resulting in weaker primary shocks. Finally, we confirm that the SBI-driven instabilities observed in the HED regime are baroclinically driven, as in the low energy case.

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An intensive reverberation mapping campaign of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 817 using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope revealed significant variations in the response of broad UV emission lines to fluctuations in the continuum emission. The response of the prominent UV emission lines changes over an similar to 60 day duration, resulting in distinctly different time lags in the various segments of the light curve over the 14 month observing campaign. One-dimensional echo-mapping models fit these variations if a slowly varying background is included for each emission line. These variations are more evident in the C iv light curve, which is the line least affected by intrinsic absorption in Mrk 817 and least blended with neighboring emission lines. We identify five temporal windows with a distinct emission-line response, and measure their corresponding time delays, which range from 2 to 13 days. These temporal windows are plausibly linked to changes in the UV and X-ray obscuration occurring during these same intervals. The shortest time lags occur during periods with diminishing obscuration, whereas the longest lags occur during periods with rising obscuration. We propose that the obscuring outflow shields the broad UV lines from the ionizing continuum. The resulting change in the spectral energy distribution of the ionizing continuum, as seen by clouds at a range of distances from the nucleus, is responsible for the changes in the line response.

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By Avery K. Sorrell, Kent L. Gee, and Reese D. Rasband (et al.)

Far-field acoustical characterization of blast wave propagation from explosives is often carried out using relatively small shot sizes (less than 1 kg). This paper describes a series of eleven Composition C4 detonations, with shot charge mass varying from 13.6 kg to 54.4 kg (30 to 120 lbs.) that were recently measured at the Big Explosives Experimental Facility (BEEF) at the Nevada National Security Site. Pressure waveform data were recorded at up to nine different stations, ranging from 23 m to 2.7 km from the blast origin, with some angular variation. As part of examining blast overpressure decay with distance and comparing with literature, the data were analyzed from the context of human safety regulations. To provide improved guidance for BEEF personnel working distances, an empirical model equation was developed for the distance, as a function of shot size, at which the peak pressure level drops below 140 dB. A preliminary investigation into peak level variability due to wind was also conducted.

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By Kent L. Gee (et al.)

During a rocket’s liftoff, its extreme sound levels can damage launch structures, payload electronics, and even the rocket itself.