All Authors
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
Allred, David
Andersen, Freeman
Anderson, Brian
Ballif, Jae
Barnett, Dean
Bass, Robert
Bassett, Irvin
Bennion, Adam
Bergeson, Scott
Berrondo, Manuel
Boizelle, Benjamin
Campbell, Branton
Chesnel, Karine
Christensen, Clark
Clark, Robert
Colton, John
Davis, Cheryl
Davis, Robert
Decker, Daniel
Della Corte, Dennis
Dibble, William
Dixon, Dwight
Dudley, Duane
Durfee, Dallin
Eastmond, John
Ellsworth, John
Evenson, William
Eyring, Carl
Farrer, Jeff
Fletcher, Harvey
Francis, Gregory
Frandsen, Benjamin
Gardner, Andrew
Gardner, John
Gee, Kent
Geertsen, Norman
Hales, Wayne
Hansen, Kimball
Harrison, Kent
Hart, Grant
Hart, Gus
Hatch, Dorian
Hess, Bret
Hill, Max
Hintz, Eric
Hintz, Maureen
Hirschmann, Eric
Ireland, Laralee
Jeffery Kraczek, Elizabeth
Jensen, Gary
Joner, Mike
Jones, Douglas
Jones, Steven
Knight, Larry
Larson, Everett
Lawler, M. Jeannette
Leishman, Timothy
Lewis, James
Mason, Grant
McNamara, Harold
Merrell, Duane
Merrill, John
Migenes Gaetan, Victor
Miller, David
Minson, Paul
Moody, Joseph
Mosenkov, Aleksandr
Neilsen, David
Neilsen, Traci
Nelson, Mark
Palmer, Paul
Peatross, Justin
Peterson, Bryan
Peterson, Wayne
Powers, Nathan
Ragozzine, Darin
Rasband, Neil
Rees, Lawrence
Rivera, Felipe
Sandberg, Richard
Shepherd, Micah
Snelgrove, Clark
Sommerfeldt, Scott
Spencer, Ross
Stephens, Denise
Stokes, Harold
Strong, William
Taylor, Benjamin
Thomas, Derek
Transtrum, Mark
Turley, Steve
Urie, Paul
Van Huele, Jean-Francois
Vanfleet, Howard
Vanfleet, Richard
Verhaaren, Chris
Ware, Michael
Woodford, Hugh
All Years
Chao Pang
† , Benjamin T. Karlinsey
‡ , Megan Ward
‡ , Roger G. Harrison,
Robert C. Davis , and Adam T. Woolley
Langmuir 40 (27), 14076-14085 (2024).
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng.-Trans. ASME 146 (5), 051002 (2024).
Adv. Photonics Nexus 2 (6), 066003 (2023).
2023 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), (Provo, UT, May 2023).
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94 (3), 033904 (2023).
Dulashani R. Ranasinghe
† , Gregory Doerk, Basu R. Aryal
† , Chao Pang
† ,
Robert C. Davis , John N. Harb, and Adam T. Woolley
Nanoscale 15 (5), 2188-2196 (2022).
UV and Higher Energy Photonics: From Materials to Applications 2022 (San Diego, CA, October 2022).
Proc. SPIE 1220102 , 1220102 (2022).
Opt. Express 30 (13), 22679-22686 (2022).
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 5 (5), 6989-6994 (2022).
Basu R. Aryal
† , Dulashani R. Ranasinghe
† , Chao Pang
† , Asami E. F. Ehlert
‡ , Tyler R. Westover
† , John N. Harb,
Robert C. Davis , and Adam T. Woolley
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4 (9), 9094-9103 (2021).
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 39 (5), (2021).
Chao Pang, Basu R. Aryal, Dulashani R. Ranasinghe, Tyler R. Westover, Asami E. F. Ehlert, John N. Harb,
Robert C. Davis , and Adam T. Woolley
Nanomaterials 11 (7), 1655 (2021).
Dulashani R. Ranasinghe
† , Basu R. Aryal
† , Tyler R. Westover
† , Sisi Jia,
Robert C. Davis , John N. Harb, Rebecca Schulman, and Adam T. Woolley
Mol. Simul. 25 (20), 4817 (2020).
Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components XV, (August 2020).
Proc. SPIE 11491 , 1149104-1 (2020).
Tyler Westover
† , Basu R. Aryal
† , Dulashani R. Ranasinghe
† , Bibek Uprety
† , John N. Harb, Adam T. Woolley, and
Robert C. Davis
Langmuir 36 (24), 6661-6667 (2020).
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3 (4), 3168-3173 (2020).
Basu R. Aryal
† , Dulashani R. Ranasinghe
† , Tyler R. Westover
‡ , Diana G. Calvopiña
‡ ,
Robert C. Davis , John N. Harb, and Adam T. Woolley
Nano Res. 13 (5), 1419-1426 (2020).
J. Microelectromech. Syst. 29 (1), 76-85 (2020).
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 37 (3), 030907 (2019).
Nanoscale Adv. 1 (3), 1148-1154 (2019).
Basu Ram Aryal
† , Tyler Westover
† , Dulashani R. Ranasinghe
† , DIana Gabriela Calvopiña
† , Bibek Uprety
† , John N. Harb,
Robert C. Davis , and Adam T. Woolley
Langmuir 34 (49), 15069-15077 (2018).
J. Magn. Reson. 295 , 72-79 (2018).
Guohai Chen, Berg Dodson
† , David M. Hedges
† , Scott C. Steffensen, John N. Harb, Chris Puleo, …
Richard Vanfleet , and
Robert Davis (2 other authors)
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 4 (5), 1900-1907 (2018).
Bibek Uprety
† , John Jensen
† , Basu R. Aryal
† ,
Robert C. Davis , Adam T. Woolley, and John N. Harb
Langmuir 33 (39), 10143-10152 (2017).
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 35 (4), 041802 (2017).
ACS Omega 2 (6), 2432-2438 (2017).
Nathan Boyer
† , Lei Pei, Joseph Rowley
† , Derric Syme
† , Steven Liddiard, Jonathan Abbott, Kyle Larson
† , …
Richard Vanfleet , and
Robert Davis (2 other authors)
Mater. Res. Express 4 (3), 035032 (2017).
J. Electrochem. Soc. 164 (4), A848-A858 (2017).
171st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (Salt Lake City, UT, May 2016).
Proc. Meet. Acoust. 26 (1), 045003 (2017).
Bibek Uprety
† , Tyler Westover
† , Michael Stoddard
‡ , Kamron Brinkerhoff
‡ , John Jensen
‡ ,
Robert C. Davis , Adam T. Woolley, and John N. Harb
Langmuir 33 (3), 726-735 (2017).
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 34 (5), 051511 (2016).
Guohai Chen,
Robert C. Davis , Don N. Futaba, Shunsuke Sakurai, Kazufumi Kobashi, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale 8 , 162-171 (2016).
J. Microelectromech. Syst. 24 (5), 1331-1337 (2015).
Guohai Chen,
Robert C. Davis , Hiroe Kimura, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale 7 , 8873-8878 (2015).
J. Microelectromech. Syst. 23 (6), 1330-1339 (2014).
Hao Wang
† , Nitesh Madaan
† , Jacob Bagley
‡ , Anubhav Diwan
† , Yiqun Liu,
Robert C. Davis , … (3 other authors)
Thin Solid Films 569 , 124-130 (2014).
Prototyping Permanent Data Storage Elements with Electron Beam Lithography
Kevin Laughlin
† , Hao Wang
† , Barry M. Lunt,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
International Symposium on Optical Memory , (Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 2014).
Development of an Optical Model, guided by AFM, for Arc-Deposited Carbon Thin Films in Solid State Data Storage Elements
Hao Wang
† , Kevin Laughlin
† , Jake Bagley
‡ , Barry M. Lunt,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
International Symposium on Optical Memory, ISOM'14 (Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 2014).
Exploring Sputtered Carbon for the Nanofuses in Solid-State Long- Term Digital Data Storage
Jacob D. Bagley
‡ , Hao Wang
† , Anubhav Diwan
† ,
Robert C. Davis , Barry M. Lunt, and Matthew R. Linford
International Symposium on Optical Memory (ISOM) , (Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 2014).
Preparation and Properties of Carbon Nanofuses for Permanent Data Storage
Kevin Laughlin
† , Hao Wang
† , Barry M. Lunt,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
International Symposium on Optical Memory , (Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 2014).
XPS and ToF-SIMS Analysis of the Information Storage Medium of a Permanent Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) Archival, Solid State Data Storage Device
Hao Wang
† , Kevin Laughlin
† , Jake Bagley
‡ , Barry M. Lunt,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
International Symposium on Optical Memory , (Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 2014).
JPC J. Planar Chromatogr. - Mod. TLC 27 (3), 151-156 (2014).
Vipul Gupta
† , Joshua A. Tuscano
‡ , Naomi R. Romriell
‡ ,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
Surf. Interface Anal. 46 (2), 106-108 (2014).
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 32 (1), 011218 (2014).
Chuan-Hsi Hung
† , Landon A. Wiest
† , Bhupinder Singh
† , Anubhav Diwan
† , Michael J. C. Valentim
‡ , James M. Christensen,
Robert C. Davis , … (5 other authors)
J. Sep. Sci. 36 (24), 3821-3829 (2013).
Hao Wang
† , Barry M. Lunt, Richard J. Gates
† , Matthew C. Asplund, V. Shutthanandan,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 5 (17), 8407-8413 (2013).
Barry M Lunt,
Robert Davis , Douglas Hansen, Matthew R. Linford, Hao Wang, and John Dredge
10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects , (Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013), ed. José Borbinha, Michael Nelson, Steve Knight.
Simulation of Laser Writing to a Mylar/C.Bi-Te-Se Stack for Permanent Optical Tape Storage
Internationa Symposium on Optical Memory 2013, (Incheon, Korea, August 2013).
Microsc. Microanal. 19 (4), 1080-1091 (2013).
XPS and ToF-SIMS Characterization of a BiTeSe Write Layer for Permanent Optical Tape Storage
A. C. Pearson
† , B. M. Lunt, A. Diwan,
R. C. Davis , and M. R. Linford
International Symposium on Optical Memory 2013 (August 2013, Incheon, Korea)
Langmuir 29 (24), 7433-7438 (2013).
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 31 (3), 031803 (2013).
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 31 (3), 031203 (2013).
A. C. Pearson
† , S. Jamieson, M. R. Linford, B. M. Lunt, and
R. C. Davis
Nanotechnology 24 (13), 135202 (2013).
Barry M. Lunt, Matthew R. Linford,
Robert C. Davis , Sarah Jamieson
‡ , Anthony Pearson
† , and Hao Wang
Archiving Conference 2013 , (Washington, DC, April 2013), pp. 132-136.
Yanli Geng
† , Anthony C. Pearson
† , Elisabeth P. Gates
† , Bibek Uprety
† ,
Robert C. Davis , John N. Harb, and Adam T. Woolley
Langmuir 29 (10), 3482-3490 (2013).
David S. Jensen
† , Supriya S. Kanyal
† , Vipul Gupta
† , Michael A. Vail, Andrew E. Dadson, Mark Engelhard,
Richard Vanfleet ,
Robert C. Davis , … (1 other authors)
J. Chromatogr. A 1257 , 195-203 (2012).
Anthony C. Pearson
† , Jianfei Liu
† , Elisabeth Pound
† , Bibek Uprety
† , Adam T. Woolley,
Robert C. Davis , and John N. Harb
J. Phys. Chem. B 116 (35), 10551-10560 (2012).
Materials Study of Nanoscale Fuses for Solid State Data Storage
Anthony C. Pearson
† , Bhupinder Singh
† , Matthew R. Linford, Barry Lunt, and
Robert Davis
International Symposium on Optical Memory 2012 (Tokyo, Japan, September 2012).
The Effect of Geometry on Nanoscale Tellurium Fuses for Solid- State Data Storage
Anthony C. Pearson
† , Bhupinder Singh
† , Matthew R. Linford, Barry M. Lunt, and
Robert C. Davis
International Symposium on Optical Memory 2012 (September 2012, Tokyo, Japan)
Towards a New Material for SS WORM Storage
Barry M. Lunt, Anthony Pearson
† ,
Robert Davis , Hao Wang
† , Sarah Jamieson
‡ , and Matthew R. Linford
International Symposium on Optical Memory 2012 (September 2012, Tokyo, Japan)
Shock Testing of Free Standing Silicon-Nitride and Beryllium Membranes
Nanotech Conference and Expo 2012 (June 2012, Santa Clara, CA)
Low-Z, Chemically Resistant, Microfabricated Carbon Composite Transmission Electron Microscope Grids
Nanotech Conference and Expo 2012 (June 2012, Santa Clara, CA)
Ultrasonic Spraying of Carbon Nanotubes using NMP
Nanotech Conference and Expo 2012 (June 2012, Santa Clara, CA)
Fabrication and Characterization of of Nanoscale Tellurium Fuses for Long Term Solid State Data Storage
Anthony C. Pearson
† , Bhupinder Singh
† , Matthew R. Linford, Barry M. Lunt, and
Robert C. Davis
Nanotech Conference and Expo 2012 (June 2012, Santa Clara, CA)
Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) Archiving Conference 2012 , (June 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark).
Brian Davis
† , Hiram Conley
† , David Jones
‡ , John N. Harb, and
Robert C. Davis
Nanotechnology 23 (18), 185308 (2012).
J. Micromech. Microeng. 22 (5), 055004 (2012).
Family History Archives: Research on Permanent Data Storage
BYU Family History Technology Workshop 2012 (March 2012, Provo, UT).
Thin Solid Films 520 (7), 2461-2466 (2012).
Nitesh Madaan
† , Aaron Terry
‡ , John Harb,
Robert C. Davis , Helmut Schlaad, and Matthew R. Linford
J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (46), 22931-22938 (2011).
David S. Jensen
† , Vipul Gupta
† , Rebecca E. Olsen
† , Alex T. Miller
‡ ,
Robert C. Davis , Daniel H. Ess, … (4 other authors)
J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (46), 8362-8369 (2011).
ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , (November 2011, Denver, CO)
FIB TEM Cross-Section Sample Preparation of Thin Metal Films Deposited on Polymer Substrates
Microscopy and Microanalysis 2011, (Nashville, TN, August 2011).
Microsc. Microanal. 17 (S2), 638-639 (2011).
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett. 3 (4), 451-457 (2011).
Landon A. Wiest
† , David S. Jensen
† , Chuan-Hsi Hung
† , Rebecca E. Olsen
† ,
Robert C. Davis , Michael A. Vail, … (3 other authors)
Anal. Chem. 83 (14), 5488-5501 (2011).
Anthony C. Pearson
† , Elisabeth Pound
† , Adam T. Woolley, Matthew R. Linford, John N. Harb, and
Robert C. Davis
Nano Lett. 11 (5), 1981-1987 (2011).
Adv. Funct. Mater. 21 (6), 1132-1139 (2011).
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 29 , 021017 (2011).
Opt. Eng. 50 (1), 015201 (2011).
Chemical Analysis of the Dyes in Today’s Archival- and Standard-Grade DVDs
Barry M. Lunt, Guilin Jiang
† , D. S. Jensen
† , Matthew C. Asplund, Douglas P. Hansen,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
International Symposium on Optical Memory 2010 , (October 2010, Hualien, Taiwan).
Feng Zhang
† , Ken Sautter, Adam M. Larsen
‡ , Daniel A. Findley
‡ ,
Robert C. Davis , Hussein Samha, and Matthew R. Linford
Langmuir 26 (18), 14648-14654 (2010).
Jonathan Abbott
† , Travis L. Niederhauser, Douglas P. Hansen, Raymond T. Perkins, David A. Bell, Erik C. Bard, … Guilin Jiang
† , …
Richard R. Vanfleet , and
Robert C. Davis (6 other authors)
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2 (8), 2373-2376 (2010).
Microscopy and Microanalysis 2010 , (August 2010, Portland, OR).
Microsc. Microanal. 16 (Suppliment S2), 410-411 (2010).
Nitesh Madaan
† , Aaron Terry
‡ ,
Robert C. Davis , Helmut Schlaad, and Matthew R. Linford
Microscopy and Microanalysis 2010 (Portland, OR,August 2010).
Microsc. Microanal. 16 (S2), 438-439 (2010).
Optical Data Storage 2010 (May 2010, Boulder Colorado).
Proc. SPIE 7730 , 77301N (2010).
Todd D. Wickard
† , Emily Nelsen
‡ , Nitesh Madaan
† , Niels ten Brummelhuis, Christina Diehl, Helmut Schlaad,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
Langmuir 26 (3), 1923-1928 (2010).
J. Microelectromech. Syst. 19 (1), 75-82 (2010).
Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems: Transducers 2009 (June 2009, Denver, CO).
MRS Proc. 1184 , GG02-04 (2009).
Yuhei Hayamizu,
Robert C. Davis , Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Satoshi Yasuda, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (17), 175505 (2009).
Langmuir 25 (3), 1289-1291 (2009).
Umamageswaran Maran, David Britt, Christopher B. Fox, Joel M. Harris, Anita M. Orendt, Hiram Conley
† ,
Robert Davis , … (2 other authors)
Chem. Eur. J. 15 (34), 8566-8577 (2009).
Umamageswaran Maran, Hiram Conley
† , Markus Frank, Atta M. Arif, Anita M. Orendt, David Britt, …
Robert Davis , … (2 other authors)
Langmuir 24 (10), 5400-5410 (2008).
Yuhei Hayamizu, Takeo Yamada, Kohei Mizuno,
Robert C. Davis , Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Nat. Nanotechnol. 3 (5), 289-294 (2008).
Robert B. Blake
‡ , Lei Pei
† , Li Yang
† , Michael V. Lee
† , Hiram J. Conley
† ,
Robert C. Davis , Naoto Shirahata, and Matthew R. Linford
Macromol. Rapid Commun. 29 (8), 638-644 (2008).
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 (23), 233119 (2007).
Michael V. Lee
† , Kyle A. Nelson
† , Laurie Hutchins
‡ , Hector A. Becerril
† , Samuel T. Cosby
‡ , Jonathan C. Blood
‡ , …
Robert C. Davis , … (4 other authors)
Chem. Mat. 19 (21), 5052-5054 (2007).
Lei Pei
† , Guilin Jiang
† ,
Robert C. Davis , Jeremy M. Shaver, Vincent S. Smentkowski, Matthew C. Asplund, and Matthew R. Linford
Appl. Surf. Sci. 253 (12), 5375-5386 (2007).
Li Yang
† , Yit-Yian Lua
† , Min Tan
† , Oren A. Scherman, Robert H. Grubbs, John N. Harb,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
Chem. Mat. 19 (7), 1671-1678 (2007).
Feng Zhang
† , Lei Pei
† , Eliot Bennion
‡ , Guilin Jiang
† , David Connley
† , Li Yang
† , Michael V. Lee
† ,
Robert C. Davis , … (4 other authors)
Langmuir 22 (26), 10859-10863 (2006).
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 300 (2), 591-596 (2006).
Michael V. Lee
† , Melinda Tonks Hoffman
‡ , Katherine Barnett
‡ , John-Mark Geiss
‡ , Vincent S. Smentkowski, Matthew R. Linford, and
Robert C. Davis
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 6 (6), 1639-1643 (2006).
Bo Zhang
† , John N. Harb,
Robert C. Davis , Sang Choi, Jae-Woo Kim, Tim Miller
‡ , Sang-Hyon Chu, and Gerald D. Watt
Biochemistry 45 (18), 5766-5774 (2006).
J. D. Whittaker
† , E. D. Minot, D. M. Tanenbaum, P. L. McEuen, and
R. C. Davis
Nano Lett. 6 (5), 953-957 (2006).
Yit-Yian Lua
† , Li Yang
† , Craig A. Pew
‡ , Feng Zhang
† , W. Jonathan J. Fillmore
‡ , R. Todd Bronson, … Jed D. Whittaker
† ,
Robert C. Davis , … (3 other authors)
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 16 (10), 1575-1582 (2005).
Microsc. Microanal. 11 (S02), 892-893 (2005).
Chemomechanical Silicon Surface Modification: Chemistry, Patterning at the Nanometer and Micron Scales, and an Application (MALDI).Lithogragphy and Patterning
Matthew R. Linford,
Robert C. Davis , Spencer P. Magleby, Larry Howell, Guilin Jiang
† , and Craig Thulin
in Nanolithography and patterning techniques in microelectronics , David G. Bucknall ed., Woodhead-Publishing, Cambridge England (2005).
Summer 2005
SVC Bulletin, 34-38 (2005).
Bo Zhang
† , John N. Harb,
Robert C. Davis , Jae-Woo Kim, Sang-Hyon Chu, Sang Choi, Tim Miller
‡ , and Gerald D. Watt
Inorg. Chem. 44 (10), 3738-3745 (2005).
Nano Lett. 5 (4), 571-577 (2005).
Héctor A. Becerril
† , Randall M. Stoltenberg
‡ , Dean R. Wheeler,
Robert C. Davis , John N. Harb, and Adam T. Woolley
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (9), 2828-2829 (2005).
Travis Hughes
† , Bradley Strongin
† , Fei Philip Gao, Viksita Vijayvergiya
† , David D. Busath, and
Robert C. Davis
Biophys. J. 87 (1), 311-322 (2004).
Travis Hughes
† , Bradley Strongin
‡ , Fei Philip Gao, Viksita Vijayvergiya, David D. Busath, and
Robert C. Davis
Biophys. J. 87 (1), 311-322 (2004).
Jorj I. Owen
† , Travis L. Niederhauser, Brent A. Wacaser
† , Marc P. Christenson
‡ ,
Robert C. Davis , and Matthew R. Linford
Lab Chip 4 (6), 553-557 (2004).
Jed D. Whittaker
† , Markus Brink, Ghaleb A. Husseini
† , Matthew R. Linford, and
Robert C. Davis
Appl. Phys. Lett. 83 (25), 5307-5309 (2003).
Yit-Yian Lua
† , Travis L. Niederhauser, Brent A. Wacaser
† , Ian A. Mowat, Adam T. Woolley,
Robert C. Davis , Harvey A. Fishman, and Matthew R. Linford
Langmuir 19 (4), 985-988 (2003).
Brent A. Wacaser
† , Michael J. Maughan
† , Ian A. Mowat, Travis L. Niederhauser, Matthew R. Linford, and
Robert C. Davis
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 (5), 808-810 (2003).
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18 (7), 1543-1551 (2001).
B. C. Hess , I. G. Okhrimenko
† ,
R. C. Davis , B. C. Stevens
‡ , Q. A. Schulzke
‡ , K. C. Wright
‡ , C. D. Bass
‡ , … and S. L. Summers
‡ (1 other authors)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (14), 3132-3135 (2001).
C. D. James,
R. C. Davis , M. Meyer, A. Perez, S. Turner, L. Withers, … (6 other authors)
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 47 (1), 17-21 (2000).
H. G. Craighead, S. W. Turner,
R. C. Davis , C. James, A. M. Perez, P. M. St. John, … (5 other authors)
Biomed. Microdevices 1 (1), 49-64 (1998).
Pamela M. St. John,
Robert Davis , Nathan Cady, John Czajka, Carl A. Batt, and Harold G. Craighead
Anal. Chem. 70 (6), 1108-1111 (1998).
C. D. James,
R. C. Davis , L. Kam, H. G. Craighead, M. Isaacson, J. N. Turner, and W. Shain
Langmuir 14 (4), 741-744 (1998).
Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 (9), 1179-1181 (1996).
Opt. Lett. 21 (7), 447-449 (1996).
Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 (18), 2309-2311 (1995).
OE/LASE'93: Optics, Electro-Optics, and Laser Applications in Science and Engineering , (Los Angeles, CA, 1993).
Proc. SPIE 1855 , 1855-6 (1993).
‡ Undergraduate Student Author
† Graduate Student Author