- Eggers, Bryce, “Algorithms for identifying and enumerating large-angle rigid unit modes,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Apr 2024).
- Gibson, Alexis, “Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Functions of Sodium Rare Earth Ternary Fluorides,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Apr 2022).
- McKenzie, James, “Domain-Boundary Intersection Defect Networks and Coset Graphs,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Apr 2022).
- Clemens, Miles A, “Normally Supportive Sublattices of Crystallographic Space Groups,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Masters Thesis, Dec 2018).
- Yost, Christopher, “Implementing the Algebraic Search for Cooperative Rotational Rigid-Unit Modes,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Jun 2018).
- Gibbs, Eric, “Symmetry-mode analysis of magnetic and displacive superstructures of La_0.5Ca_0.5MnO_3,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Aug 2013).
- Richey, Lauren, “,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Jun 2013).
- Erb, Kay, “Experimental Search for Predicted Platinum Binary Alloys,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Jul 2012).
- Kerman, Sean, “The superstructure determination of displacive distortions via symmetry-mode analysis,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Honors Thesis, Sep 2011).
- Frandsen, Benjamin, “X-Ray Diffuse Scattering in Relaxor Ferroelectric Material PZN-PT,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Honors Thesis, Aug 2011).
- Maughan, Nichole, “Defect-induced Diffuse Scattering in Microporous Aluminophosphate-5,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Aug 2011).
- Dickson, Jared, “X-Ray Powder-Diffraction Simulations From Large-Scale Defect Models,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Capstone, Apr 2008).
- Atkinson, Paul, “Characterizing An Alleged New Phase Of Titanium Dioxide,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Capstone, Aug 2007).
- McKnight, Thomas Kevin, “An Improved Flexible Neutron Detector For Powder Diffraction Experiments,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Masters Thesis, Jul 2005).
- Guisti, Brett, “Micro-Furnace Development for Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Experiments,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Apr 2005).
- Underwood, Bradley, “A Practical Analysis of Combining Larmor Modulation and Time of Flight Methods on a Pulsed Inelastic Neutron Spectrometer,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Apr 2005).
- McKnight, Thomas, “Absolute Gamma Efficiency and Its Evaluation for Lithium Gadolinium Borate,” Advisor: Branton Campbell (Senior Thesis, Aug 2001).