Scott Sommerfeldt, ASA Vice President

Scott Sommerfeldt’s exceptional career as a research scientist and professor has been complemented by his outstanding service to both Brigham Young University (BYU) and his professional societies.

From 2003-2007, Scott served as chair of the BYU Physics and Astronomy Department and as Dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences from 2007-2017.  His leadership as Dean allowed for significant advances in mentored student research funded by generous donations to the College.

Concurrent with this University service, Scott has contributed significantly to professional societies.  He served twice on the board of directors of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the United States of America from 2002-2005 and then from 2009-2012.  As Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), he was a member of the ASA Technical Council from 2000-03 (for Structural Acoustics) and 2012-2015 (representing the area of Noise) and on the ASA Executive Council 2009-2012.  

Scott was elected Vice President of the ASA in 2017. He served one year as the Vice President Elect (2017-2018), one year as the Vice President (2018-2019), and is just finishing his year as Past Vice President (2019-2020).  Each of these titles is associated with different responsibilities that ensure continuity for the volunteer-led ASA.  

Scott’s clear thinking, steady approach, and diplomatic leadership has significantly benefited both BYU and the societies that form his professional home.

News and Events

Image for Society of Physics Students Awarded Outreach Grant
BYU's SPS is selected for Marsh Award for their outreach plan with Boys & Girls Club
Image for BYU’s Rising Astronomers Take Center Stage at the Winter AAS Conference
In early January 2025, a group of 16 students from Brigham Young University’s Physics & Astronomy Department showcased their research at the prestigious American Astronomical Society (AAS) in National Harbor, Maryland.
Image for Acoustics group studies the roar of SpaceX's Starship
Acoustics faculty and students measure the thunderous noise of the world’s most powerful rocket, exploring its impact on communities and the environment.
Image for Dr. Stephens’ Sabbatical to University of Arizona
Dr. Stephens participated in a research project at the University of Arizona focused on studying brown dwarfs using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
Image for BYU Women Represent at CUWiP 2024
21 women student attend conference at Montana State University, where students engaged in keynote speeches, panels, and research presentations.
Image for Dr. John Colton’s Sabbatical to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dr. John Colton embarked on a six-month sabbatical at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Colorado to explore the use of terahertz radiation in probing the chiral properties of hybrid perovskite materials, a research area previously unfamiliar to him.
Image for Nathan Powers, Updated labs and AAPT lab committee work
Dr. Powers initiated the effort to update BYU’s physics undergraduate lab curriculum in 2015. The revamped curriculum, aimed at teaching students how to construct knowledge from experiments.
Image for Adam Fennimore's Insights for Students
Alumni Adam Fennimore shares career insights for current students
Image for Rocket Noise and Bird Songs
Hart, Gee, and their research group study the impact of rocket noise on wildlife