Looking For New Faculty

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, invites applications for a faculty position to begin August 2023.  Qualifications include a Ph.D. in physics, astronomy or related field, ability to pursue a strong and independent research agenda, and a clear commitment to both undergraduate and graduate teaching. We welcome applicants who strengthen or complement existing research programs (see physics.byu.edu) or who introduce strategic/emerging areas of research. Successful applicants will be expected to provide excellent teaching and research mentoring at the undergraduate and graduate levels and participate in various forms of service to the department, university, and their research community. Faculty members are expected to develop externally funded research programs of significance and publish in quality, peer-reviewed journals.  This position may be under-filled with temporary/visiting personnel.  Interested candidates should complete an online application at yjobs.byu.edu (posting 112500 under Faculty Positions) with current CV, a cover letter outlining teaching and research experience and aspirations, and the names and contact information of three people willing to provide letters of recommendations. Applications must be received by September 16, 2022. For additional information, contact the Department at physicsjob@byu.edu.  BYU, an equal opportunity employer, requires all faculty to observe the university’s Honor Code and Dress & Grooming Standards. Preference is given to qualified candidates who are members in good standing of the affiliated church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


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