Curriculum Vitae


N265 ESC
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

(801) 422-3489

Feb. 2019


  • Thin film deposition & characterization;
  • Optical properties of materials from 1 to 600 eV range (visible to EUV and soft x-rays)
  • Microfabrication using Infiltration of Carbon Nanotube Forests to make nanocomposite materials
  • Space science; special multifunction mirrors for the spacecraft instruments
  • Mars exploration simulation/development and astrobiology.


1977 Ph.D., Physics and Physical Chemistry, Princeton University  (First combined degree granted between the Departments of Physics and Chemistry in 15 years.)  Dissertation: Accurate Eigenvalue Expressions for Central Power Law Potentials with Applications to Nuclear States.

1973 M.S., Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

1971 B.S., Chemistry (ACS Certificate), Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah  (Magna cum laude, also with highest honors from the Honors Program.) 


EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (since graduate school)

1993 to present Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University

1987-1993 Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, BYU

1980- 1987 Research Scientist & Group Leader, Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. Troy, Michigan

1980 Research Assistant Professor, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tucson

1977-79 Research Associate (Solar Energy) Optical Sciences Center, The University of Arizona

1977 National Science Foundation Energy Related Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Appleton/White Solid State group, Ion Beams)


  • Devin M.Lewis, "Stability of LiF Mirror Coatings on Space Telescopes at L2 Orbit" (Masters Thesis, 2024). Full Text PDF
  • CameronKubal, "Process Analysis and Guide on The Development and Manufacture of Simulation Ammunition for Purpose of Law Enforcement Training" (Capstone, 2024). Full Text PDF
  • Alexandra Kathryn KananiStapley, ""Vampire Plastics": An Investigation of Poly(olefin sulfone) Depolymerization and Its Dust Mitigation Abilities" (Masters Thesis, 2024). Full Text PDF
  • TannerRydalch, "Stability and oxidation of Al mirrors coated with Xe-passivated LiF thin films" (Senior Thesis, 2024). Full Text PDF
  • MichaelGreenburg, "Computationally Modeling Rough Circular Conducting Mirrors" (Senior Thesis, 2024). Full Text PDF
  • MaraDille, "A Synthesis: Comparing and contrasting my experience in the two areas of scientific/ technical writing and reflections on classroom learning" (Capstone, 2023). Full Text PDF
  • KendallMitchell, "Slowing of Oxidation for Aluminum Thin-Films through use of High-Volume Oxygen Absorbers" (Senior Thesis, 2023). Full Text PDF
  • IsaiahGalland, "At-wavelength Reflectance Measurements for Aluminum Mirrors in the Far Ultraviolet" (Senior Thesis, 2023). Full Text PDF
  • DonovanSmith, "Retardation of the oxidation of aluminum thin films in low-oxygen and cryogenic environments" (Capstone, 2023). Full Text PDF
  • CollinBradford, "Automating Nuclear Reactor Modeling for Simulation Using OpenMC and Python" (Capstone, 2023). Full Text PDF
  • AlexGallion, "Photodegradation of Self-Immolating Polymers as a Potential Solution to Optical Scattering" (Senior Thesis, 2023). Full Text PDF
  • EdKrzymowski, "Electron Cryotomography of Bacterial Secretion Systems" (Capstone, 2022). Full Text PDF
  • WinstonMcElwain, "National Vision Optics Lab Order of operations manual" (Capstone, 2022). Full Text PDF
  • MerlinHart, "Retarding the Growth of Oxide on Aluminum Thin-Films" (Senior Thesis, 2022). Full Text PDF
  • BrookeCroxall, "The Indices of Refraction of SiO2 and AlF3 in the XUV Determined from Simultaneous Reflection and Transmission Measurements on XUV Diodes" (Capstone, 2022). Full Text PDF
  • DevinLewis, "Degradation of Lithium Fluoride Mirror Coatings in Humid Environments" (Senior Thesis, 2021). Full Text PDF
  • GabeRichardson, "Computational Development of a Miniature Quantum Dot Spectrometer for Use in Space" (Senior Thesis, 2021). Full Text PDF
  • LoganPage, "“Stainless Uranium” - Oxidation Prevention in Uranium-Niobium Alloys" (Senior Thesis, 2021). Full Text PDF
  • JennyKang, "Red/green Colorblindness Simulation: Creating a Colorblind Friendly Environment" (Capstone, 2021). Full Text PDF
  • KenanFronk, "Storage of Al/AlF3 Thin-Film Mirrors in 327 K Oven" (Capstone, 2021). Full Text PDF
  • JamesErikson, "Photoluminescence Lifetime as an Indicator of Temperature in Materials" (Senior Thesis, 2020). Full Text PDF
  • NickSteil, "Connecting Physics and Finance" (Capstone, 2019). Full Text PDF
  • DanielJones, "Photometric and Polarimetric Signatures of Geosynchronous Satellites" (Senior Thesis, 2019). Full Text PDF
  • AlexandraDavis, "Oxidation of Aluminum Under Various Thicknesses of Aluminum Fluoride" (Senior Thesis, 2018). Full Text PDF
  • JesseRichmond, "Surface-Atmosphere Interactions with Ultraviolet Light on Mars" (Senior Thesis, 2018). Full Text PDF
  • SpencerWillett, "Making aluminum shine again, removing polymers used to protect aluminum from oxidization" (Senior Thesis, 2017). Full Text PDF
  • StephanieThomas, "Preventing Oxidation of Aluminum Mirrors with Cadmium and Zinc Barriers" (Senior Thesis, 2017). Full Text PDF
  • BrandonMcKeon, "Characterization of Silicon Dioxide Thin Film Deposition" (Senior Thesis, 2015). Full Text PDF
  • CollinBrown, "Infiltration of CNT forests by Atomic Layer Deposition for MEMS Applications" (Senior Thesis, 2014). Full Text PDF
  • Jason Kyle Anderson, "Developing Atomic Layer Deposition Techniques of Tungsten on Carbon Nanotube Microstructures" (Senior Thesis, 2014). Full Text PDF
  • JordanBell, "Thickness Uniformity Of Uranium Oxide Films Sputtered While Undergoing Planetary Motion" (Senior Thesis, 2013). Full Text PDF
  • JamesSchwab, "Investigations of the Causes of Expansion for Yttrium Oxide Films" (Capstone, 2013). Full Text PDF
  • StuartHarper, "Statistical Analysis of Noise From Solid Rocket Motors" (Senior Thesis, 2012). Full Text PDF
  • RichardHansen, "Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon-Nanotube-Templated Metallic Microstructures" (Honors Thesis, 2012). Full Text PDF
  • AlisonWells, "Determining The Cause Of Metal Oxide Film Growth Due To Exposure To Vacuum Ultraviolet Light" (Senior Thesis, 2011). Full Text PDF
  • DevonMortensen, "Determining The Cause Of Yttria Film Growth Due To Exposure To Vacuum-Ultraviolet Light" (Senior Thesis, 2010). Full Text PDF
  • JonBrame, "Selectively Grown Silicon Nanowires For Transistor Devices" (Senior Thesis, 2009). Full Text PDF
  • ElisabethStrein, "Studying And Eliminating Adventitious Carbon Contamination On Silicon Wafers" (Senior Thesis, 2008). Full Text PDF
  • BryanHicks, "Diode Properties of Nanotube Networks" (Capstone, 2008). Full Text PDF
  • Guillermo AntonioAcosta, "Scandium Oxide Thin Films and Their Optical Properties in the Extreme Ultraviolet" (PhD Dissertation, 2007). Full Text PDF
  • RobertGillis, "Determining The Extreme Ultraviolet Constants Of Thoria By Spectral Ellipsometry." (Capstone, 2007). Full Text PDF
  • JacqualineJackson, "Determining The Refractive Index Of Scandium Oxide In The Euv Using Kramers-Kronig On Thin-Film Transmission Data" (Honors Thesis, 2007). Full Text PDF
  • RyanCamacho, "Microstructural Analysis of Copper Thin Films for Characterization of Stress-Induced Voiding Mechanisms" (Senior Thesis, 2003). Full Text PDF


Current: 2020

Recent Past: 

2015-16 NASA Rocky MT Space Grant Consortium National College and Fellowship Program: $15,043: Critical First Steps towards Allowing Aluminum's Far UV reflectance to shine forth in the Broadband VUV for Space-based Instruments ;

(internal) Mentoring Environment Grant "Metal CNT-M, New Materials for Microfabrication". 20K$ 2014 renewed for 2015 (College funded) with RR Vanfleet.
(external) ALS-06780 "Measurement of the Refractive Indices & Scattering from Oxides which can Hydrolyze & Roughen," Beamtime at the Advanced Light Source ~5-8 shifts/ year August 2014- July 2016

"Use of Evolutionary Algorithm to Optimize Reflectance of an XUV Multilayer," WAESO (ASU

2014-15 NASA Rocky MT Space Grant Consortium Infrastructure Grant $22,000: Building a Cadre of Students Competent in Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometry.

Previous: Principle investigator for over 20 projects in the areas of EUV mirrors for space application and minority student education using undergraduate research and peer study groups See below.

RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS: Allred and students (See more complete list below)


All classes in BYU's introductory calculus-based physics series: Namely, mechanics (Physics 121), Electricity and magnetism class (Physics 220), Physics 123, optics, heat, matter, relativity. Physics 222: Modern Physics

General education physical science (PS 100)

Four graduate physics classes developed:

513R- Nanostructures, surfaces and interfaces-taught twice with William Evenson

585- Thin film physics- taught 11 times

711R: Optical processes of semiconductors.

671- X-ray optics- taught five times

History and Philosophy of Science

In the University Honors Program: 201H, 202H and 241H. This is a team taught, two- semester, nine-credit hour, combination history of civilization/science colloquium class.


Visiting Scientist at CINVESTAV in Mexico (The Centro de investigacion y estudios avanzados del instituto politechnico nacional is the center for advanced scientific and engineering studies for Mexico's second largest university, the national polytechnic institute). The granted was partially funded by CONACYT which is Mexico's version of the National Science Foundation. I was in Mexico in the later half of 1993. Sabbatical work focused on porous silicon and the nontraditional ways to cook tortillas.

Attend six NSF Chautauqua courses for Teachers (see below).


Topical editor for Optical Engineering, 2005-present

Associate editor for the  Journal of X ray Science and Technology . 1997-

I referee approximately ten papers for publication each year for J. of Vac. Sci. and Technology, Applied Optics, J. of Applied Physics, J of X-ray Sci. and Technology, Optics Letters and others. I serve on the board of directors of WAESO/Mountain States Alliance of the NSF sponsored WAESO.

I review over 10 faculty-directed undergraduate research proposals each year for WAESO.


Materials Research Society; American Vacuum Society; SPIE`s soft x-ray working group. And occasionally: UT-ID section of the AAPT (American Association of Physics Teachers); American Physical Society; International Thermoelectric Society; and Phi Kappa Phi


Co-founder of the International Thermoelectric Society

He has been on the boards of directors of two technology companies. Moxtek from 1987 to 1993 and Usertrust (internet privacy, identity and security) from 1999 to the present.

Has served on the board of directors of WAESO/Mountain States Alliance of the NSF sponsored WAESO. Review about 12 faculty directed undergraduate research proposals each year for WAESO.


Alcuin Award 1997-2000. This is a three award to an outstanding teacher of general or honors education; Serendipity Award from the Y-Weekend Committee.

Predoctoral: NSF Post-doctoral Energy-Related Fellowship; Woodrow Wilson Fellowship; Eastman Kodak Scientific Award, NSF Pre-doctoral Fellowship, Kennecott Scholarship; Danforth Foundation Fellowship honorable mention, Marathon Oil Company Cash Award and Four Year Scholarship; National Honor Society Honorary Scholarship


English, Spanish, German, and Cakchiquel. (Google it.)


Twenty (20) issued USA Patents, including Nos. 4,419,533, 4,435,445, 4,504,518, 4,517,223, 4,582,164, 4,594,973, 4,615,905, 5,226,067, 5,458,084 and 5,485,499; Similar patents were granted in other countries. These are in the areas of x-ray windows, plasma assisted and photo assisted CVD, amorphous materials, thin films, thermoelectrics, barrier layers and contacts, magnetic materials, hard materials and optical materials.

Recent US patents: 5,226,067, [1993]

5,458,084- "X-ray Wave diffraction optics constructed by atomic layer epitaxy." [1995].

5,485,499- "High throughput Reflectivity and resolution x-ray dispersive and reflective structures for the 100 eV to 5000 eV energy range and method of making the devices," [1996].

Most recent Canadian patent is: 1,333,426. "X-ray Wave diffraction optics constructed by atomic layer epitaxy."


Approximately 100 publications including a review article.

Numerous invited talks and conference presentations.

Seven conference sections organized and chaired.

Co-organizer of two conferences.

Four short courses given.

Books: Coeditor of two conference proceedings: one on CVD, the other on thermoelectricity.


  •  Modern Perspectives On Thermoelectrics and Related Materials , David D. Allred, Cronin B. Vining, and Glen A. Slack, Editors (Material Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA 1991), a volume in the Material Research Society symposium proceedings: ISBN 0272-9172; Vol. 234. I oversaw the reviewing, editing and preparing for publishing selected papers from the symposium held in Anaheim, CA, May 1-2, 1991.

  •  Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition-1987 , Proceedings Vol. 87-8, G. W. Cullen and J. M. Blocher, Jr., Editors, Part VIII: CVD for Energy Related Applications, David D. Allred, Subject Editor (The Electrochemical Society, Inc., Pennington, NJ, 1987).






















  • What the Universe Means to People Like Me
    Dialogue 36, 110-125 (2003).
    Download PDF















  • Accelerated Life Test for Thermoelectric Junctions: Solder Element Interactions
    David D. Allred and On Van Nbuyen
    Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion
    Download PDF





  • Optical Properties of Amorphous Germanium Films Prepared by CVD
    David D. Allred and J. A. Piontkowski
    Fifth International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, (March 1984, Arlington, TX), 546-557 (1984).
    Download PDF
  • Thermal Diffusivity by Modified Angstrom Technique
    N. Jackett, David D. Allred, T. H. Sein, and J. U. Trefny
    Fifth International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, (March 1984, Arlington, TX), p 116-119 (1984).
    Download PDF


  • CVD a-Ge and a-Ge:X Films: Preparation and Properties
    David D. Allred and J. A. Piontkowski
    Fourth European Conference on Chemical Vapour Deposition
    Download PDF







Undergraduate Student Author

Graduate Student Author

 Links to other publications of BYU XUV group

  1. Elise Martin and R. Steven Turley, "Modeling the Effects of Surface R on Thin-Film Reflectance Roughness," the Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters-2007 peer
  2. N. Brimhall, J.C Painter, M. Turner, S.V. Voronov, R. S. Turley, M. Ware, and J. Peatross, "Construction of an Extreme Ultraviolet Polarimeter Based on High-Order Harmonic Generation," [6317-34], in: Advances In X-Ray/EUV Optics, Components, And Applications, edited by Ali M. Khounsary, and Christian Morawe, Proceedings of SPIE, 6317, 63170Y-1 to 7 (2006).
  3. Amy Grigg, Kristi Adamson, Jed Johnson, Niki Farnsworth, and R. Steven Turley, "X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Examine Molecular Composition," The Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters-2004, 81, 213-221. peer

 Student Thesis and Dissertations.   (DOS copies are available on some from  

  Dissertations (Ph.D.) * signifies Allred was co advisor. Name may not be on thesis.  

Name Date Title

Guillermo Acosta Dec. 2007 Scandium Oxide Thin Films and their Optical Properties in the Extreme Ultraviolet pdf.

Douglas P. Hansen* Aug. 1997 Fabrication, Measurement, and Analysis of Multilayer X-ray Diffraction Gratings

Ping Hu* Sept. 1994 Theoretical Study on Domain Structure and Domain Walls in Phase Transition of LaAgxIn1-x

Kevin Shurtleff* June 1994 Atomic Layer Epitaxy for the Production of Multilayer X-ray Mirrors (Dep't. of Chemistry)

Ming Cai Dec. 1993 The Raman Characterization of Silicon-Containing, Soft X-ray Multilayers

Fang Yuan Nov. 1991 Characterization of Boron Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition and their Applications in X-Ray Imaging

Qi Wang Dec. 1990 Raman Study of Amorphous Carbon

Theses (Masters)

Nichole F. Brimhall July 2007 Extreme Ultraviolet Polarimetry with Laser-Generated High-Order Harmonics pdf (reader)

Jedediah Edward Jensen Johnson Dec. 2006 Computationally Modeling the Effects of Surface Roughness on Soft X-Ray Multilayer Reflectors, (Allred reader)

Srinivasan Kannan*, July 2005  PECVD Growth Of Six:Ge1-x  Films For High Speed Devices And MEMS , At the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, P. Craig Taylor, advisor (Allred reader)

Guillermo A. Acosta Aug 2004 Developing a Technique for Measuring Thickness of Thin Films from 5 to 15 Nanometers, Using Atomic Force Microscopy

Shannon Lunt* Aug. 2002  Determining the Indices of Refraction  of Reactively Sputtered Uranium Dioxide Thin Films From 46 to 584 Angstroms

Matthew Squires Aug. 2001 The Measurement (58.4-164.0 nm) and Analysis (40.0-600.0 nm) of the Atomic Scattering Factors of Diamond and Graphite

David P. Balogh* April 2001 Student Attitudes and Performance in an Online General Education Physical Science Course

David T. Oliphant* Dec. 2000 Characterization of Uranium, Uranium Oxide and Silicon Multilayer Thin Films

Sterling W. Cornaby* June 2000 Using a Charged-Coupling Device (CCD) to Gather X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Information Simultaneously

David Rich Miller* April 1998 A Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Stellar Interferometry Using Post Acquisition Time Correlation

Pavel Brovkin April 1998 The Physics of Low-Capacitance JFETs

Bryan Royce Olsen* Dec. 1996 High Voltage Pulse Generator For A Capillary Discharge X-ray Laser

Cheryl Barnett Davis Dec. 1991 Deep-Level Photoluminescence of ZnxCd1-xTe

Honors Theses (dos copies are available on some from

Richard Hansen June 2012 Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon-Nanotube-Templated Metallic Microstructures

Amy Grigg June 2007 Oxidation Effects on the Optical Constants of Heavy Metals in the Extreme Ultraviolet (Allred reader) Presentation

Jacqualine Dee Jackson April 2007 Determining the Refractive Index of Scandium Oxide in the EUV Using Kramers-Kronig on Thin-Film Transmission Data.pdf. ppt

S. Andrew Ning June 2006 Creation of an Intermediate Environment and Utilizing Switchable Microwave Absorbent Material to Aid in Performing Work on Mars. Draft: Word

William R. Evans Sept. 2005 Determining Optical Constants for ThO2Thin Films Sputtered under Different Bias Voltages from 1.2 To 6.5 eV by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry  pdf  word presentation

Nichol Farnsworth* March 2005 Thorium-based Mirrors in the Extreme Ultraviolet

Richard L. Sandberg June 2004 Optical Application of  Uranium Thin Film  Compounds for the Extreme Ultraviolet and Soft X-Ray Region

Jedediah E.J. Johnson June 2004  Thorium Based Mirrors  for High Reflectivity in the EUV. Word presentation

Joseph S. Choi June 2000 In Situ Ellipsometry of Surfaces in an Ultrahigh Vacuum  Thin Film Deposition  Chamber. (Fig. separately) Presentation.  Main fig . Appendix own right

Steven L. Tait, Jr.* June 2000 A Comparative Study of Various Display Formats of Speech Frequency Spectra to Aid Lip Readers

Shannon Lunt* March 1999  The Use of Genetic Algorithms  in Multilayer Mirror Optimization

Matthew B. Squires March 1999  On Determining the Optical Constants  of Sputtered U and a-Si at 304 and 584 á

Adam Fennimore Feb. 1998 Morphology and Oxidation of U/AI and UN/Al Multilayer Mirrors

Senior Theses are also available at BYU Physics & Astronomy Website by year.

Alexandra Vance Davis Dec. 2018 Oxidation of Aluminum Under Various Thicknesses of Aluminum Fluoride

Jesse Richmond April 2018 Surface-Atmosphere Interactions with Ultraviolet Light on Mars

Spencer Willett Aug. 2017 Making aluminum shine again, removing polymers used to protect aluminum from oxidization

Stephanie M. Thomas May 2017 Preventing Oxidation of Aluminum Mirrors with Cadmium and Zinc Barriers

Brandon McKeon April 2015 Characterization of Silicon Dioxide Thin Film Deposition

Jason Kyle Anderson April 2014 Developing Atomic Layer Deposition Techniques of Tungsten on Carbon Nanotube Microstructures

Collin Brown April 2014 Infiltration of CNT forests by Atomic Layer Deposition for MEMS Applications

James Schwab April 2013 Investigations of the Causes of Expansion for Yttrium Oxide Films; (Capstone)

Jordan Bell Jan. 2013 Thickness Uniformity Of Uranium Oxide Films Sputtered While Undergoing Planetary Motion

 Richard Hansen July 2012 Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon-Nanotube-Templated Metallic Microstructures 

Alison Wells Aug. 2011 Determining The Cause Of Metal Oxide Film Growth Due To Exposure To Vacuum Ultraviolet Light

Devon Mortensen Aug. 2010 Determining The Cause Of Yttria Film Growth Due To Exposure To Vacuum-Ultraviolet Light

Jonathon A. Brame April 2009 Selectively Grown Silicon NanoWires for Transistor Devices

Elisabeth Strein Aug 2008 Studying and  Eliminating Adventitious Carbon  Contamination on Silicon Wafers

Michael Rasmussen April 2009 Vacuum Ultraviolet Photo-oxidation of Carbon Nanotubes

Elise Martin April 2007 Surface Roughness Correction to Extreme Ultraviolet Thin Film Reflectance Measurements (Allred reader)

Luke Bissell Aug 2004 Determining  Ruthenium's Optical Constants  in the Spectral Range 11-14 nm

P. Douglas Archer June 2004 Determining Favorable Environments  for Endolithic Growth: UV  considerations.

Kristi R. Adamson April 2004 Determining  Chemical Composition of Sputtered Uranium Oxide  Thin Films through X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Marie K. Urry* Dec. 2003 Determining Optical Constants of Uranium Nitride Thin Films in the  Extreme Ultraviolet  (1.6-35 nm)

Ross Robinson Aug. 15, 2003  Removing contaminants from silicon wafers  to facilitate EUV Optical Characterization.

Ryan Camacho May 2003  Microstructural Analysis of Copper Thin Films  for Characterization of Stress-Induced Voiding Mechanisms

Raymond Rios* Aug. 15, 2003  Developing a Polarimeter  to Determine the Optical Constants of Materials in the XUV

Cort Johnson April 2001 Developing an Improved Extreme Ultraviolet Filter

Gregory Thompson June 1996 Reactive Gas Sputtering of Lithium Compound Thin Films

Senior Capstone Projects

James Schwab April 2013 Investigations of the Causes of Expansion for Yttrium Oxide Films;

Bryan Hicks April 2008  Diode Properties of Nanotube Networks  BYU dept version

Robert Gillis April 2007  Determining the Extreme Ultraviolet Constants of Thoria  by Spectral Ellipsometry.

Nicholas Webb Nov. 2004 The Oxidation Rates of Vanadium

Yenny N. Martinez May 2002  Studying the Optical Properties of the NPD Mirrors . BYU dept version


"Evaluation and removal of peelcoat layers." Stewart Observatory, May-Sept. 05 (R0802009)

"NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program," (Cooperative Agreement #70NANB5H1074) May-Sept. 05. Student Jacque Jackson to NIST

"Computer Support for Doctoral Research: Guillermo Acosta," Subaward # KMD5273-1-1/SUB; Prime # HRDO114712; Minority Graduate Education at Mountain State Alliance ASU; Jan. 20, 2005-Jan. 19, 2006.

"Thin film Si-Ge allys," Lockheed-Martin, July -Dec. 2004

The most recent WAESO are:

"Mirror for the ESA Venus Express Spacecraft," #S2004UR0081, WAESO, 2004

"Oxidation rates of very thin copper films," #S03UR002 WAESO, 2003.

"Determining the optical properties of materials for making EUV multilayer reflectors," Project #S02UR014, 2002.

"A polarimeter for determining the optical properties of materials for making EUV multilayer reflectors," # V02UR017, summer 2002

Principle investigator for a two-year project to prepare a set of three EUV mirrors for the IMAGE mission which was launch March 25, 2000. MARATHON

PRESENTATIONS OF THE EUV GROUP (reverse chronological order) 2002- PRESENT (partial list)



Mirror Tech



110th Annual Meeting of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, SUU, Cedar City UT April 12 2018, presentation by Allred and students. 



SPIE Optics & Photonics Aug 2017 annual


Mirror Tech

30th Annual Student Research Conference  of the College of Physical and Mathematical  Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 19, 2016 Provo, UT . presentations by students of Allred, R. Steven and Richard R. Vanfleet.

 108th Annual Meeting of the  Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters , Westminster College, Salt. Lake City, Mar. 10, 2016,  Students: ABS and ppt, Program


Colloquium for the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Metallurgy, Univ. of Utah Wed. Oct, 28, 2015, "Development of Broadband Reflective Coatings in Preparation for LUVOIR Space Observatories." ppt

American Vacuum Society, 62nd Annual International Symposium, October 18-23, 2015, San Jose, CA abstracts

29th Annual Student Research Conference  of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 21, 2013 Provo, UT . presentations by 3 students of Allred & R. Steven Turley: (


American Vacuum Society, 61st Annual International Symposium, November 9-14, 2014, Baltimore MD abstracts

Annual Meeting of the  Four Corners Section of the APS , October 18-19, 2014 Utah Valley University, two presentations. on thin films on CNT

28th Annual Student Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical  Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 15, 2014 Provo, UT . presentations by 3 students of Allred & R. Steven Turley: (


American Vacuum Society, 60th Annual International Symposium, October 28-31, 2013, LongBeach CA, abstracts

Annual Meeting of the  Four Corners Section of the APS , October 18-19, 2013 University of Denver,  two presentations. on thin films and CNT

27th Annual Student Research Conference  of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 9, 2013 Provo, UT . 3 presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley: (


Departmental Colloquium, Dec. 2012

Annual Meeting of the Four Corners Section of the APS, October 26�27, 2012; NM Highlands, Socorro, New Mexico abs Jordan Bell, B5.00007  Optical Constants of Uranium Oxide Thin Films, 1.25 to 6 eV , ppt.

39th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, San Diego, CA, Apr. 23-27. 2012,  Richard Hansen, et al, " Carbon-Nanotube-Templated Metallic Microstructures for MEMS: Preparation and Characterization," abs 

104th Annual Meeting of the  Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters , Utah State University, Logan. UT, April 13, 2012,  Students: James Schwab, "The Anomalous Growth of Yttria Films in Controlled Atmospheres,"

26th Annual Student Research Conference of the  College of Physical and Mathematical  Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 17, 2012, Provo, UT . 3 presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley:  (two won outstanding papers in their sessions.) 


Annual  Meeting of the Four-Corners Section  of the American Physical Society October 21-22, 2011, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ  abs. Richard S. Hansen et al, and Brett Barstrom

Colloquium for the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Metallurgy, Univ. of Utah Oct, 5, 2011, "EUV Optics and the Incredibly Expanding Film." ppt as pdf

Technologies for Future Micro-Nano Manufacturing, August 8 - 10, 2011, Silverado Resort & Spa, Napa, CA USA, "Carbon Nanotube Templated Microfabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio Metal Structures," David McKenna, Richard Hansen, Brian D. Jensen, Richard R. Vanfleet, Robert C. Davis, and David D. Allred.

 103rd Annual Meeting of the  Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters , Salt Lake Community College, Salt. Lake City, April 8, 2011,  Students: ABS and ppt, Program

25th Annual Student Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 19, 2011, Provo, UT . Presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley:

Colloquium for Honors.  University Rover Challenge,  BYU Thursday 10 Feb. 2011 ppt

C olloquium for Department of Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University, Jan. 13. 2011, Provo UT,Applications of carbon nanotubes, David D. Allred 


American Vacuum Society, 57th Annual International Symposium, October 17-22, 2010, Albuquerque NM, abstracts

 Annual Meeting of the Four-Corners Section of the American Physical Society October 15-16, 2010, Weber State University, Ogden Utah  Program

BYU NSF sponsored REU: final reports  August 2010 by Kristal Chamberlain ppt of presentation

 13th International Conference of the Mars Society, Friday Aug.5-8, 2010, Dayton OH 

Hilton Head Workshop 2010: 12th Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, Sponsored by the
 Transducer Research Foundation, Inc , Hilton-Head Crowne Plaza Resort 130 Shipyard Drive Hilton Head Island, SC, June 6-10, 2010. abs Open poster

  16th Annual Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Symposium,   Salt Lake Community College, UT, May 10, 2010; Adam Konneker for Nicholas Morrill

2010 Annual Meeting of the Idaho-Utah  Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers . & Saturday April 30, 2010 at Idaho State University in Pocatello, ID David Allred. ABS ppt

 102nd Annual Meeting of the  Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters , Dixie State College, St. George, April 9, 2010,  Students: ABS and ppt, Program

24th Annual  Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 20, 2010, Provo, UT . 4 presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley: (two won outstanding papers in their sessions.)

 Colloquium for Department of Physics and Astronomy, Utah Valley State University, March, 3 2010, Orem UT,Applications of carbon nanotubes, David D. Allred pdf 


15th Annual Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Symposium,   Salt Lake Community College, UT, May, 4, 2009; Joseph Muhlestein, "The Index of Refraction of Y2O3 in the Extreme Ultraviolet"

101st Annual Meeting of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, BYU, Provo April 10, 2009,  Student: Jon Brame, "Selective Growth of Silicon Nanowires for Transistor Devices" (also Nathan Woods(BYU) and Dr. S. A. Getty (NASA GSFC)

2009 Annual Meeting of the Idaho-Utah  Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers . March 27 & Saturday March 28, 2009 at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT David Allred. ABS ppt

23rd Annual Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 21, 2009, Provo, UT . 4 presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley: (t

o won outstanding papers in their sessions)


 Microstructured Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Composites , at GSFC, Greenbelt MD, Thursday, December 18, 2008, at 11:00am in Building 30 conference room (183) Prof. David Allred, BYU.  Talk  was based on talk of Robert C. Davis, BYU
 Annual Meeting of the Four-Corners Section of the American Physical Society October 17-18, 2008,12th , at the University of Texas El Paso, TX, program, Group talks ms doc  version 
 Posters for Homecoming: 
October 10, 2008, Jon Brame Thomas McConkie
 International Conference of the Mars Society, Friday Aug. 14-17, 2008, Boulder Co
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2008 
NM Aug. 3-7 2008,  Use of a commercial RF Plasma Cleaner in eliminating adventitious carbon contamination in an XPS system , Elisabeth Strein. abs poster.
14th ICSFS 2008 Conference > 29 June-04 July, Dublin, Ireland >,  Preparation, Storage, Characterization and Use of Bilayer Reflectance Standards for VUV and EUV Optics , abs ppt.
  14th Annual Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Symposium,   Salt Lake Community College, UT, May, 5, 2008
 35th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films  
, April 28-May 2, 2008, San Diego, CA program titles
51st SVC Annual Technical Conference April 19-24, 2008, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago IL., 2 presentations, G. A. Acosta and E. Strein. Both in Proceedings.
2008 Material Research Society Spring Meeting, March 24 - 28, 2008, Moscone West and San Francisco Marriott, Vacuum Ultraviolet Photo-oxidation of Carbon Nanotubes M. R. Rasmussen, D. D. Allred Wednesday Poster Abs
2008 Annual Meeting of the Idaho-Utah  Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. March 28 & Saturday March 29, 2008 at Boise State University in Nampa, ID  Cluster Ballooning Exam Questions, David Allred. ABS ppt
100th Annual Meeting of the  Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters , U of Utah, SLC, March 21, 2008, 
Students: ABS Program
 22nd Annual Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 15, 2008, Provo, UT . 4 presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley: (two won outstanding papers in their sessions)


 2007 Material Research Society Fall Meeting, November 26 - 30, Boston, MA Hynes Convention Center , Symposium II:  Nanotubes and Related Nanostructures, SESSION II15: Poster Session: Physical Properties and Devices, Wednesday Evening, November 28, 2007 abstracts, PPT.

 Annual Meeting of the Four-Corners Section of the American Physical Society October 19-20, 2007, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ;  talks

Homecoming Posters:  Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Magnetometer for Planetary Exploration , John Brame

Physics 191: Sept. 12, 2007 Space Instruments

10th International Conference of the  Mars Society , Friday Aug.31, 2007, Los Angeles, CA  Experience of BYU team at the 2007 University Rover Challenge, Abs. Word 

Optical Interference Coatings: Topical Meeting and Tabletop Exhibit June 3-8, 2007 Loews Ventana Canyon Resort and Spa Tucson, Arizona;   Reflecting at 30.4 and Antireflecting at 58.4 nm,   David D. Allred and R. Steven Turley abs. pdf

  13th Annual Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Symposium,  Salt Lake Community College, UT, May, 7, 2007 

 99th Annual Meeting of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, SUU Cedar City, Utah April 13, 2007,  students: Johnathan Goodsell, Bryan Hicks (for Jon Brame), Elise Martin and Sarah Barton.
Annual Meeting of the Idaho-Utah  Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. March 23 & Saturday March 24, 2007 at Utah State University in Logan, Utah , How BYU Students Did on the 2006 Physics GRE, David Allred abs

 45th AAS Robert H. Goddard Memorial Symposium: March 20-21,2007, The Inn and Conference Center by Marriott in Adelphi, Maryland.  Poster.  Strain-based Electrical Properties of Systems of Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Parylene . Jon A. Brame, Johnathan Goodsell, Stephanie A. Getty and David Dean Allred;

 NASA Headquarters ESMD (Exploration Systems Mission Directorate), Washington, DC, March 19, 2007   Lunch talk. On the Goddard-BYU Collaboration to Prepare Nanocompasses Based on SWCNT.  Stephanie A. Getty, Jon Brame and David D. Allred.

 21st Annual Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical  Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 17, 2007, Provo, UT . 4 presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley: ( Brame, Jon ; Grigg, Amy; Martin, Elise; and Barton, Sarah )

  American Physical Society,  Denver Co Tues March 6, 2007  H23.00014  Scandium Oxide Thin Films and Their Optical Properties in the EUV , Guillermo Acosta, David Allred, Steve Turley and Richard Vanfleet

Colloquium at UVSC, Orem UT 21 Feb. 2007. Optical Constants of  Sputtered Thoria Thin Films  Useful in EUV Optics from IR to EUV,  David Allred


 2006 Material Research Society Fall Meeting, November 27 - December 1, Boston, MA Hynes Convention Center . Symposium Q: Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes - Science and Applications, SESSION Q20: Poster Session: Thermal, Optical and Mechanical Properties and Applications: Biological Interactions, Thursday Evening, November 30, 2006.

  Q20.18 Strain-based Electrical Properties of Systems of Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Parylene.  Jon A. Brame, Johnathan Goodsell, Stephanie A. Getty and David Dean Allred; (Getty is a staff scientist at the Materials Engineering Branch, Code 541, NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.) abs, end of summer presentation

Q20.61  A Single-walled Carbon Nanotube-based Nanocompass for High Spatial Resolution Magnetometry . Stephanie A Getty, Jonathon A Brame, Johnathan E Goodsell, Melissa A Harrison, Gunther Kletetschka and David D Allred.

America  Vacuum Society 53rd Annual Meeting on November 13, 2006, Convention Center, SF, CA,  Session Title: Surface Science Poster Session,

What is the Band Gap of Thoria?, W. R. Evans, S. C. Barton, D. D. Allred, and T. E. Tiwald, Abstract Number: 1181, Program Number: SS-ThP4 ( Thursday November 16, 2006, 5:30 PM)

BYU Astronomical Society, Planetarium Show. Oct. 13, 2006, Mars

 Annual Meeting of the Four-Corners Section of the American Physical Society October 6-7, 2006 [Meeting ID: 4CF06] Utah State University, Logan, UT// 

  Surface Contamination and Oxidation on Thin Films , poster presented by Liz Strein and Amy Grigg


America  Vacuum Society Rocky Mt. Section on Sept. 21, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, 2006, 

Surface Contamination and Oxidation on Thin Films, poster Liz Strein and Amy Grigg

  51st Annual Meeting, SPIE, Aug. 14-16, San Diego, CA.   Advances In X-Ray/EUV Optics, Components, And Applications  SESSION 7-8, Conv. Ctr. Room 17B Wed.  Optical Constants and Measurement Technique, 

 9:00 am:  Using reflection from coated diodes to help determine optical constants,  D. D. Allred, G. Acosta, N. F. Brimhall, J. Johnson, D. Muhlestein, R. S. Turley, Brigham Young Univ. [6317-33]

9:20 am:  Construction of an extreme ultraviolet polarimeter based on high-order harmonic generation , N. F. Brimhall, A. Baker, R. S. Turley, J. Peatross, Brigham Young Univ. [6317-34]

10:30 am:  Thorium-based mirrors in the extreme ultraviolet , N. F. Brimhall, E. Martin, R. S. Turley, Brigham Young Univ. [6317-36]

10:50 am:  Using spectroscopic ellipsometry (1.2 to 6.5 eV), AFM, and XRD to understand bias sputtered Thoria thin films , W. R. Evans, S. C. Barton, M. Clemens, D. D. Allred, Brigham Young Univ. [6317-37]

 9th International Conference of the Mars Society, Friday Aug. 3-6, 2006, Washington, DC 

Intermediate Martian Atmospheric Study and Demonstration, Donovan Chipman, Andrew Ning, and David Allred, abs.

The 9th International Conference on Space Operations hosted by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), 19-23 June 2006 in Rome, Italy, Session 68- ME-25 , Intermediate Martian Atmospheric Demonstrator , Donovan Chipman, Abs. PPT

  12th Annual Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Symposium ,   Salt Lake Community College, UT, May, 8, 2006 

 International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films , May 1-5, 2006, San Diego, CA

 Determining Optical Constants for ThO2 Thin Films Sputtered Under Different Bias Voltages from 1.2 To 6.5 eV by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry , William R. Evans and David D. Allred. ppt

 49th SVC Technical Conference, April 24-28, 2006 in Washington DC 

  Simultaneous Reflection and Transmission Measurements  of Scandium Oxide Thin Films in the Extreme Ultraviolet , G. Acosta, D. Allred, S. Turley, and N. Farnsworth. 9:10 a.m. Opt. Films, Tuesday apt. 27 - 9:10

Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, April 7, 2006, Ephraim, UT; Physical Sciences Division of the 2006 Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters Meeting at Snow College, 

    Optical Constants for ThO2 Thin Films from 1.2 to 6.5eV by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry , William R. Evans and David D. Allred. 

 Spectrally Tunable Light Source for Remote Ocean-Color Sensing,  Jacque Jackson, Brigham Young University and Steven Brown, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD

 Computationally Modeling the Effects of Surface Roughness on Extreme Ultraviolet MultilayerReflectors,  Jedediah Johnson and R. Steven Turley,

 Extending our Reach into the Extreme Ultraviolet Using a Grazing Incidence Monochromator ,  Sarah C. Barton *** 


 20th Annual Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, Sat. March 18, 2006, Provo, UT . 8 presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley:

 Colloquium for Department of Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University, Feb. 9, 2005, Provo UT,  Planetary Exploration Projects. David D. Allred.


 2005 Material Research Society Fall Meeting, November 28 - December 2, Boston, MA Hynes Convention Center .

Uranium & Thorium for EUV and Soft X-ray Optics, Jed E. Johnson, David D. Allred, R. Steven Turley, William R. Evans, & R. L. Sandberg

Physics 191: EUV Astronomy & Venus Express

 Fourth International Extreme Ultra Violet Lithography (EUVL) Symposium 07-09 November 2005 San Diego, California 

EUV Photodiodes with Directly Deposited Uranium Filter, by Raj Korde et al., poster presented by Raj Korde (International Radiation Detectors, Inc.) see also //

America  Vacuum Society 52nd Annual Meeting on November 3, 2005, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA 

  Thin Film Optical Constants in the EUV  using Simultaneous Reflection and Transmission Measurements , D.D. Allred, G.A. Acosta, R.S. Turley, J.E. Johnson, K.R. Adamson, presented by G.A. Acosta Thursday, November 3, 2005, 11:40am, Room 306. abs.

 Annual Meeting of the Four-Corners Section of the American Physical Society at University of Colorado, October 14-15, 2005, Boulder CO 

 Spectrally Tunable Light Source for Remote Ocean Color Sensing , Jacqualine Jackson 25 MB

 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Examine Molecular Composition , Amy Baker, Best presentation award.

 8th International Conference of the Mars Society, Friday Aug. 11-14, 2005, Boulder, CO 

Green thumbs for the red planet.  Kyrstle Farnsworth,  Nichole F. Brimhall, Jacque Jackson, and David D. Allred, Presented by Krystle

 An Intermediate Environment for Mars Exploration, Andrew Ning.  Manuscript for proceedings.

 Summer Meeting of the AAPT, Salt Lake City, UT, August 6-10, 2005 

 Physical Characterization of EUV Mirrors Using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient , Nathaniel Powell, Steve Turley, David D Allred, and David Oliphant

 Optical Constants for ThO2 Films Sputtered Under Different Bias Voltages , William Evans, David D Allred

 Surface Roughness of Thorium Based Mirrors in the Extreme Ultraviolet , Marian D Harrison, Niki Farnsworth, and Steve Turley

 11th Annual Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Symposium, Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City, UT, May, 9, 2005 

 A New Technique for the Measurement of Thin Films in the Extreme Ultraviolet: Simultaneous Collection of Reflection and Transmission , Guillermo Acosta, David D. Allred

 Advantages of a Grazing Incidence Monochromator in the Extreme Ultraviolet , Sarah Barton, Steven Turley (Poster Session)

 Optical Properties of Reactivity Sputtered ThO2 Thin Films for EUV Applications , William Evans, David D. Allred, Steven Turley (Poster Session)

Green Thumbs for the Red Planet, Nicole Farnsworth, David D. Allred (Poster Session)

Model of Atomic Level Roughness, Marian Harrison, Steven Turley (Poster Session)

 Physical Characteristic of X-Ray and EUV Mirrors using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient , Nathan Powell, Steven Turley (Poster Session)

 48th SVC Technical Conference, April 24-48, 2005 in Denver, CO 

  A Technique for Measuring the Thin Film Thickness of Ultrathin Metallic Thin Films, 4-20 nm, using Atomic Force Microscopy  , G. Acosta, Poster Session on April 25, 2005.

 Experimental Determination of Scandium Thin Film Optical Constants from 10-1000 nm , G. Acosta, D.D. Allred


Utah  Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, April 15, 2005, Orem, UT 

 Characterizing Reactively Sputtered ThO2 Films for EUV Applications , William R. Evans, Amy Baker, and D.D. Allred; Christian Contreras-Campana (Mt. San Antonio College)-BYU REU 2004

  Surface Roughness of Thorium and Thorium Oxide and its Effect on Optical Properties in the Extreme Ultraviolet  , Nichole Farnsworth, R. Steven Turley; Christian Contreras-Campana (Mt. San Antonio College)-BYU REU 2004

Modeling Surface Roughness, Marian Harrison, R. Steven Turley

 Determining the Optical Constants of Thorium Oxide Thin Films in the EUV from Reflection and Transmission Measurements , Jedediah Johnson, Guillermo Acosta, Elise Martin, David Muhlestein, Nichole Farnsworth, David D. Allred, R. Steven Turley

Cleaning Silicon Wafers with CO2 Snow Jet, Andrew Jacquier, William Evans, David D. Allred

 Advantages of a Grazing Incidence Monochromator in the UV , Sarah Barton

Miller on Mars, Anne Potter, Sarah Barton, Tiffany Brown, Nichole Farnsworth, Amy Baker, Matt Christensen, David D. Allred, Gary Booth

Green Thumbs for the Red Planet, Jacque Jackson, Nichole Farnsworth, David D. Allred

 Creation of "Intermediate Environments" and  Other Aids in the Exploration of Mars  , Krystle Farnsworth, S. Andrew Ning, Rob Gillis, Brian Riddle, David D. Allred

 19th Annual Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, March 19, 2005, Provo, UT. 13 presentations by students of Allred & R. Steven Turley: 

Experimental determination of scandium thin film optical constants, from 10-1000 nm ; Guillermo Acosta, David D. Allred, 

  Molecular Composition as Examined by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy  , Amy Baker, R. Steven Turley. Presentation

Advantages of a Grazing Incidence Monochromator in the Ultra-Violet, Sarah Barton, R. Steven Turley. Presentation

Small Photons, Big Atoms, and Things that go "Bump" in the Dark: Or Ellipsometric Determination of Visible Wavelength Optical Constants for Thorium Dioxide Thin Films Deposited Under Different Bias Voltages , William R. Evans, David D. Allred. Presentation

Surface Roughness of Thorium and Thorium Oxide and its Effect on Optical Properties in the Extreme Ultraviolet  Nicole Farnsworth, R. Steven Turley; Presentation

  Model of Atomic Level Roughness  , Marian Harrison, R. Steven Turley Presentation

Green Thumbs for the Red Planet , Jacque Jackson, David D. Allred, Nicole Farnsworth. Presentation

Silicon Wafer Cleaning for EUV Reflectance measurements by cold, high-pressure CO2 jet  , Andrew Jacquier, David D. Allred. Presentation

Highly Reflective Thorium-Based Mirrors  , Jedediah Johnson, David D. Allred. Presentation

Thorium Dioxide Thin Films in the Extreme Ultraviolet  , Elise Martin, & David Muhlestein, R. Steven Turley Presentation

Improved Extra Vehicular Activity by use of a Pressurized Martian Atmosphere  , Andrew Ning, David D. Allred Presentation

  Miller on Mars  , Anne Potter, David D. Allred Presentation

  Physical characterization of x-ray and EUV mirrors using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient , Nathaniel Powell, R. Steven Turley, David D. Allred, and David Oliphant. Presentation

 Life, The Universe, and Everything, Friday, February 18, 2005, BYU 

  Mars Exploration  , Habitat and other issues.


 America Vacuum Society 51st Annual Meeting on November 17, 2004 in Anaheim, CA 

 Optical Properties of Uranium and Thorium-Based Thin Films as Highly Reflective EUV Mirrors, D.D. Allred, J.E. Johnson, W.R. Evans, N. Farnsworth, A.E. Baker, R.S. Turley 

 Determining Physical and Chemical Properties of Sputtered Uranium  and Thorium Thin Films Useful as Extreme Ultraviolet Reflectors, R.W.L. Larsen

7th International Conference of the Mars Society, Friday Aug. 20, 2004, Chicago, Ill,

Green thumbs for the red planet. Nichol Farnsworth, David D. Allred, Presented by Niki.on Friday

49th Annual Meeting, SPIE, July 2004, Denver, CO.  

   Uranium oxide and uranium nitride as highly reflective coatings from 2.7 to 11.6 nanometers , R. L. Sandberg, Allred  

   Determining Ruthenium's Optical Constants in the Spectral Range 11-14 nm  , L. J. Bissell, D. D. Allred, R. S. Turley, W. R. Evans, J. E. Johnson 

  47th Annual SVC Technical Conference Preliminary Program, April 26-30, 2004, Dallas, TX  

  How to have Clean Surfaces in an Unclean World, R. Sandberg, J. E. Johnson, K. Adamson, R. Robinson, D. D. Allred et al. Presented by Andrew Jacquier.  

 International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films, April 19-23, 2004, San Diego, CA., 

  Uranium Oxide as a Highly Reflective Coating from 2.7 to 11.6 Nanometers, R.L. Sandberg, D. D. Allred, R. S Turley, S. Lunt, and J. E. Johnson  

  Highly Reflective Thorium-based Mirrors, J.E. Johnson, D.D. Allred, R.S Turley,  

  Determining Ruthenium's Optical Constants in the Extreme Ultraviolet from 11-14 nm, L.J. Bissell, D.D. Allred, and R.S Turley,  

  Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters Annual Conference April 13, 2004 at Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah  

  Surface Roughness of Thorium and Its Effect on Optical Properties in the Extreme Ultraviolet, Nicole Farnsworth  

  Determining Reflectance of Uranium Nitride Thin Films in the Extreme Ultraviolet, Mary Urry, R. Steven Turley and David D. Allred  

  Astrobiology Science Conference 2004, March 28-April 1, 2004, NASA Ames Res. Center, Moffett Field, CA Determining  Favorable Environments for Endolithic Growth from Physics Considerations , P. Douglas Archer, David D. Allred  

 AAPT ID-Utah Section 2004 Annual Mtg, March 27, 2004, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 

  Mars Jars: Mini Mars Environments for Student Science Projects, D. D. Allred  

  18th Annual Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, March 20, 2004, Provo, UT.  

 **** Dr. Allred: Richard's 04 spr research 

  Life, The Universe, and Everything, Friday, February 19, 2004, BYU The Mars Missions; David Allred, Danny Farnsworth, Eric Christiansen, Doug Archer  


 America Vacuum Society 50th Annual Meeting on November 5, 2003 in Baltimore 

  Physically Measuring the Thickness of Thin films via Atomic Force Microscopy , G Acosta, D. Allred and R. Davis. 

  Sc/V Multilayer Mirrors:  Working Towards High Reflectivity in the Extreme Ultraviolet  , G Acosta, D. Allred and R. Davis. 

  Annual Meeting of the Four-Corners Section of the American Physical Society at Arizona State University, October 24-25, 2003, Tempe, AZ.  

  Mars Desert Research Station , Nicole Farnsworth, David D. Allred 

   Optical Constants of Uranium Nitride in the XUV  (80-182eV),  Marie Urry, Kristi Adamson, Luke Bissell, R. Steven Turley, David D. Allred 

   Uranium Oxide as a Highly Reflective Coating  from 2.7 to 11.6 Nanometers, Richard L. Sandberg, Jed E. Johnson, William R. Evans, David D. Allred, R. Steven Turley.  

  Determining Composition through X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Kristi Adamson,  

   Removing Surface Contaminants from Silicon Wafers  to Facilitate EUV Optical Characterization, Jed E. Johnson, Ross Robinson, David D. Allred, Richard L. Sandberg, R. Steven Turley, Kristi Adamson, and Aaron Jackson,  

  Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation: Eighth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, San Francisco, California, 25-29 August 2003,  

   Uranium Oxide as a Highly Reflective Coating from 100-400 eV , Richard L. Sandberg, David D. Allred, Luke J. Bissell, Jed E. Johnson, R. Steven Turley  

  6th International Conference of the Mars Society, Aug. 15, 2003, Eugene. Oregon  

  Determining Favorable Environments for Endolithic Growth from Physics Considerations, P. Douglas Archer, and David D. Allred,  

  48th Annual Meeting, SPIE, August 7, 2003, San Diego, CA.  

  Do uranium and thorium compounds have a role to play as coatings for 200-300 eV synchrotron optical elements, R. L. Sandberg, D. D. Allred, S. Lunt, J. E. Johnson, R. S. Turley, K. R. Adamson, Brigham Young Univ.  

  International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films, San Diego, CA May 1, 2003.  

  Highly Reflective Uranium Mirrors for Astrophysics Applications, D. D. Allred, R. S. Turley, K. R. Adamson; Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University; and S. Lunt,  

  Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, April 11, 2003, Logan, UT.  

  Applications for Uranium-based X-Ray Mirrors, Richard Sandberg  

   Highly Reflective Thorium-Based Mirrors for Astrophysics Applications , Jed E. Johnson, David Allred  

  Determining Chemical Composition through X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Kristi Adamson  

  Determining the Index of Refraction of Materials in the EUV with Polarimeter, Raymond Rios  

  Celebrate One Year of the Abruptor-A Performance Study, Guillermo Acosta (Best paper award)  

  Ruthenium Optical Constants in the Extreme Ultraviolet, Luke Bissell  

 AAPT ID-Utah Section 2003 Annual Mtg, March 29, 2003, Weber State University, Ogden, UT 

  Promoting Student Learning using Classroom Communications. David D. Allred,  

  17th Annual Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, March 15, 2003, Provo, UT.  

  Quick and Accurate Characterization of Scandium Thin Films, Guillermo Acosta  

  Determining the Optical Constants of Materials in the EUV with a Polarimeter, Raymond Rios, Fabian Walter  

   Determining Composition through X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy , Kristi Adamson  

  Ruthenium Optical Constants in the Extreme Ultraviolet, Luke Bissell, David Allred   

  Preparing Surfaces for EUV/XUV Measurements, Ross Robinson, Bill Evans, Jon Johnson  

  Uranium-based Telescope Mirrors for the Quarter Kilovolt Region (250 eV), Richard Sandberg  

  Atomic Granularity and the EUV, Danelle E. Brown, R. Steven Turley  

   Celebrate One Year of the Abruptor - A Performance Study , Guillermo Acosta  

   Corroboration of ALS and Monochromator Data and Monochromator Improvements , Elke Jackson  

  Colloquium for Department of Physics and Astronomy, Utah Valley State University, March 6, 2003, Orem UT.   EUV and Soft X-ray Optics, Thin Films and Outer Space : What you can do for your local universe , David D. Allred,  


  American Vacuum Society 49th Symposium Tuesday November 5, 2002, Denver, CO.  

  How to have Clean Surfaces in an Unclean World, R. Robinson, D.D. Allred, A. Guillermo, R. Sandberg, A. Jackson, M.K. Newey. #1307  

  How thick is my Oxide? D.D. Allred, S. Lunt #1402  

  Study of the Oxidation Rates of Vanadium and Scandium, N.D. Webb, G.A. Acosta, D.D. Allred  

  Scandium and Vanadium Multilayer Mirrors: Working towards High Reflectivity in the Extreme Ultraviolet, G.A. Acosta, D.D. Allred, N.D. Webb,  

  (APS) Four Corners Meeting at University of Utah, October 4-5, 2002, Salt Lake City, UT.  

   Cleaning of Hydrocarbon Buildup on Metallic Thin Films , Richard Sandberg, David Allred, Ross Robinson, Aaron Jackson, 

   Determining Composition by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy , Kristi Adamson, Shannon Lunt, Matthew Squires, R. Steven Turley, D.D. Allred,  

  Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America (OSA/APS Laser Science XVIII), Oct. 2002, Orlando, FL.  

  Polarized Extreme Ultraviolet Reflectometer Using High Harmonic Generation, S.L. Voronov, D.D. Allred, J. Peatross,  

  5th International Conference of the Mars Society, Aug. 15, 2003, Boulder, Colorado  

  Mars Jars: How Students can build inexpensive, Mini Mars Environments for Science and engineering projects, David D. Allred, Paul M. Allred, Thomas Riddle, & John I. Allred.  

  47th Annual Meeting, SPIE, July 2002, Seattle, WA.  

  Uranium-based Mirrors for Soft X-ray Reflectors, D.D. Allred, S. Lunt, Matthew Squires, R. Steven Turley,  

  Utah Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, April 12 2002, Logan, UT.  

  Physically Measuring Thickness' of Thin Films via Atomic Force Microscopy,  Guillermo A. Acosta, David Allred, Robert Davis, Nick Webb, 

  Study of Oxidation Rates of Vanadium, Nick Webb, David Allred, Guillermo Acosta,  

  Uranium Oxides: Oxidation and Complex Index of Refraction, Kristi Adamson, Richard Sandberg, Shannon Lunt, Elke Jackson, R. Steven Turley, David D. Allred,  

  16th Annual Spring Research Conference of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU, March 16, 2002, Provo, UT Various.    
Monochromator Improvements and Focusing,  Elke Jackson ,    
 Obtaining soft x-ray constants across the 2p edge in Fe films by resonant magnetic scattering experiments of polarized soft X-rays Fabian Walter    
Oxidations Rates of Vanadium, Nick Webb    
Building and Testing an XUV polarimeter,  Raymond Rios   

Dual Mirror Optical System for use with Grazing Incidence Spectrograph,  Ryan Anderson ,  

Optical Properties of Thin-film Uranium Oxide in the XUV, Shannon Lunt  

  American Physical Society, March 2002, Indianapolis, IN.  

   Studying the Optical Properties of the NPD Mirrors , Yenny Martinez, Mike Newey, Maria Bell, D.D. Allred, R. Steven Turley,  

  Optical Properties and Characterization of Thin-film Uranium Oxide in the XUV, Richard Sandberg, D.D. Allred, R. Steven Turley, Shannon Lunt, Elke Jackson, Kristi Adamson, Maria Bell,  


   IMAGE Satellite presentation  made to the SLC Astronomical Society, February 2001  


 . David D. Allred, "Optical Materials and Process Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Applications," SPIE Conference 428, San Diego, CA, August 23-24. 

. David D. Allred, Material Session of the 5th International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, University of Texas at Arlington, March 14-16, 1984.

. David D. Allred, Panel Session on the Future of Thermoelectricity at the 6th International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, University of Texas at Arlington, March 12-14, 1986.

. David D. Allred, Session on CVD for Optics and Energy Related Applications, 10th

International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 19-23, 1987.

. David D. Allred, Panel Session on the Future of Thermoelectricity at the 7th International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, University of Texas at Arlington, March 17, 1988.

. I organized a symposium (Symposium V) for the 1991 Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, entitled Modern Perspectives on Thermoelectrics and Related Materials. At the meeting I chaired sessions on Silicon-Germanium Thermoelectrics (May 1) and appeared on Late news (May 1). The symposium which had about 35 presentations was held in Anaheim, CA, May 1-2, 1991. I oversaw the reviewing, editing and preparing of selected papers from the symposium for publishing as  Modern Perspectives on Thermoelectrics and Related Materials , published September 1991.

. David D. Allred, Panel Session on the Future of Thermoelectricity at the Eleventh International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, Arlington, Texas, October 9, 1992.

. Larry Knight, James Thorne and I organized a conference on the future of soft x-ray science and technology entitled "Soft X-Rays in the 21st Century," held in Provo, Utah on February 10-13, 1993.

. Steve Turley and I organized the second conference on the future of soft x-ray science and technology entitled "Soft X-Rays in the 21st Century," held in Midway, Utah on January 8-11, 1997.

10. Session Organizer "Optical Constants," SPIE Conference 5538, Denver, Co, August 2-6, 2004


  • Section on Metallization at the Seminar on Metal-Organic and Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition for Semiconductor Applications, Deerfield Beach, FL, February 9-11, 1987.
  • Section on Microwave Deposition at the Second Seminar on Metal-Organic and Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition for Semiconductor Applications, Deerfield Beach, FL, February 8-10, 1988.
  • Generalidades sobre Crecimiento de Peláculas Delgadas y Procesos de Ataque a Superficies, (An Overview of Thin Growth and Etching Processes) given at the IX Congreso de Fásica de Superficies e Interfaces, sponsored by the Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia de Superficies y de Vacio, A.C., Zacateca, Mexico, August 22, 1989, 6-7 hours. The president of the society informed me that my contribution to the conference earned me "most valuable player" status. Both the short course and the plenary talk I gave were in Spanish.
  • An Overview of Thermoelectricity, SCT-93 Short Course on Thermoelectrics Nov. 8, 1993, in conjunction with the 12th International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, Yokohama, Japan


International Thermoelectric Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1988-91. Member of the Board 1991-94.

In March 1988 I aided in the organization of the International Thermoelectric Society at the Seventh International Conference of Thermoelectric Energy Conversion by distributing to attendees a proposal and prospective charter for the organization. The proposal was accepted and I was elected the secretary-treasurer of the new society. During the following years Professor Allred worked to get a charter written and approved, a newsletter started, the regular organization of conferences every year instituted, and the election and rotation of officers begun.

These goals were achieved. The Society now has approximately 120 members; one issue of the newsletter has been distributed and another is in process. The newsletter is reproduced, addressed and distributed at BYU.


On International, Inc., CVD and Alternate Energy for various groups including Solar Energy Research Institute; Voltaix; a large glass company; Michigan Consolidated Gas; several x-ray optics companies; Galtech Semiconductor Materials, Inc.; MOXTEK; Curatech, Inc. Ford Motor Company

Occasional lecturer at high schools and elementary schools.


Scoutmaster 1987-91.Committee chairman: 1997-present

Cubmaster 1984-86 and 1991-93.

Various LDS Church responsibilities

List service to professional organizations:

Prof. Allred was coorganizer of the Tenth International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition held October 1987. Specifically he organized the session on energy-related and optical application of chemical vapor deposition and gave an invited talk on this topic. At the invitation of the Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia de Superficies y de Vacio, A.C. and the American Vacuum Society Dr. Allred gave a short course and a plenary invited talk at the IX Congreso Nacional de Fásica de Superficies e Interfaces (Aug. 21-25, 1989). The seven hour short course was entitled "Generalidades sobre el Crecimiento de Peláculas Delgadas y de Procesos de Ataque a Superficies" ("Overview of Thin Film Growth and Etching Process"). The title of the plenary talk was "Structure of Amorphous Semiconductors in Ultrathin Films and Multilayers." Both presentations were given in Spanish.

At the Second Seminar on Metal-organic and Plasma Assisted CVD for Semiconductor Applications, Feb. 1988, David Allred gave an invited talk on the Use of Microwaves in the deposition of thin films.

Short Courses attended 

The summer of 1997 I attended a Chautauqua on results of gender research for women succeeding in the natural science, engineering and mathematics. Many of the issues covered are also important for underrepresented minority students. In the summer of 1997 I was also named an Alcuin teaching fellow for excellence in teaching at BYU. The summer of 1998 I attended a Chautauqua on the C3P method of teaching Conceptual Physics.

I attended an NSF Chautauqua summer 1999 on retaining minority students in SEMT in Dayton, Ohio under the direction Prof. Craig Nelson of Indian University. We discussed a number of subtle ways students are pointed away from careers and advanced training in SEMT. I also attended the Chautauqua on Workshop Physics for Electricity and Magnetism in July 1999. I have served on the board of directors of MSA

David D. Allred, the project director, is a professor of Physics and Astronomy at BYU. I am an active participant in collaborative research between the USA and Mexico including spending a sabbatical year in Mexico in the fall of 1993 and being the plenary speaker at a Mexican national conference. I have had experience previously with the CIMD reviewing proposals and in 1991, had a student supported by CIMD who participated in ongoing undergraduate research and published a paper based on her research.

I have been active in research for 30 years. I spent seven years as the leader of a research group in an industrial lab. During the last thirteen years I have been a professor at BYU and had nine graduate students reporting directly to me. There are another five for whom I have had partial responsibility. Of these three have finished the PhD, four others have completed a master's degree. Of equal satisfaction and success has been interactions with undergraduate students in research. I have had 40 work closely with me; most of those who have graduated are now in graduate schools including Cornell, Caltech, MIT, Rice, the University of Colorado, the University of Wisconsin and the University of Utah. Four now are on the faculty of major universities. There are currently twelve students who I supervise or co-supervise.

Research specialty: 

Applied physics and material science. Specific emphasis on thin film preparation and characterization, specifically the CVD and sputter preparation of ultrathin films and multilayers for x-ray applications and their characterization via optical and electrical techniques especially including the use of Raman and photoluminescence. The specific materials studied include solid-state semiconductors, particularly amorphous semiconductors such as a-Si, a-C, a-B and a-Ge and compound telluride semiconductors such as ZnCdTe. I have been very active in supporting and forwarding undergraduate research. We were contracted in 1997 to prepare multilayer mirror surfaces for IMAGE satellite project.

 Graduate students Six students have worked directly with me in completing their advanced degrees. Three Ph.D. and three MS. In addition two are working with me at the present. In addition, I have aided eight of Professor Larry Knight's students in finishing their work, one of Professor James Thorne's students in finishing his degree and one electrical engineering student. 

Innovated the use of microwave plasma enhanced CVD as a high rate, feed stock efficient production method of materials including photoconductive grade a-Si:H.

This led to major ECD industrial activities including the first and only technologically useful process for a-Si alloy "xerographic drums." The derived ECD patents had a loan value of more than $20,000,000 in 1986.

Headed team which developed low cost, elevated temperature contact for tellurides. This made possible ECD's introduction of low cost, mass produced thermoelectric power generators.

Developed a low cost, high temperature stable, oxidation resistant IR reflector material to replace platinum-CVD ZrB2.

Devised thin film optical methods to maximize light trapping which increased the efficiency of amorphous silicon alloy solar cells by one-quarter. These include methods for making boosted mirror back reflectors and methods for achieving total internal reflection.

Invented a nonalloy method for controlling the crystallization temperature on amorphous semiconductors-This may be potentially important for optical recording.

Established a world record (based on ultra thin multilayers) for atomically abrupt interface in amorphous semiconductor multilayers.

Developed laser Raman techniques for probing the interfaces in periodic multilayer structures.

Other contributions: 

Thermoelectric Materials

Group leader in the research of photovoltaic materials chemistry and photothermal materials.

Development projects in hard magnets, protective and colored coatings, magnetic disk coatings, fiber optics, and hybrid device.

Co-principal investigator for two DOE contracts totaling $250,000 annually. In charge of the preparation laboratory, aiding approximately ten graduate students and several visiting scientists in planning and preparation of thin layer selective absorber stacks for high-temperature photothermal conversion, with emphasis on amorphous silicon and refractory metals.