Dr. Stephens participated in a research project at the University of Arizona focused on studying brown dwarfs using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

21 women student attend conference at Montana State University, where students engaged in keynote speeches, panels, and research presentations.

Dr. Powers initiated the effort to update BYU’s physics undergraduate lab curriculum in 2015. The revamped curriculum, aimed at teaching students how to construct knowledge from experiments.

Using data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, a new study suggests that an object previously thought to be a binary system may be a rare triple system of orbiting bodies.

In early January 2025, a group of 16 students from Brigham Young University’s Physics & Astronomy Department showcased their research at the prestigious American Astronomical Society (AAS) in National Harbor, Maryland.
Archived News Stories
- New Faculty Member, Dr. Greg Francis
- Dr. Ragozzine's Nice, France Obersvatoire Sabbatical
- Steve Summers' Insights for Students
- Wesley Morgan Doubles AP Physics Enrollment
- Using Machine Learning to Get a Better View of Bacteria
- New Faculty Member, Dr. Micah Shepherd
- Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Using Magnetism
- BYU Women in Physics Students Thrive at CUWiP
- Sommerfeldts Called as Mission Leaders
- Sounding out the Deep: Traci Neilsen’s Trip to the North Atlantic
- Reveling in Uncertainty
- Screening of Particle Fever
- BYU Acoustics Records Artemis Launch
- West Mountain Observatory contributes to understand distant galaxy
- Dr. Aleksandr Mosenkov, new Astronomy faculty
- Dr. Tim Leishman retires from BYU
- Dr. John Colton: Table Tennis Champion
- Debunking acoustics myths around the Saturn V
- Physics and Astronomy Student Advisory Board
- Mystery of Haumea's Formation Solved
- Capturing Images at the New Mexico Observatory
- Dr. Steve Turley -NSF Program Officer
- Planetarium Updates
- Dr. Dennis Della Corte launches Consortium of Molecular Design
- American Association of Physics Teachers Meet in Provo
- New Professor Dr. Benjamin Boizelle
- Dr. Scott Sommerfeldt Awarded an ASA Silver Medal
- Sabbatical at Cambridge for Dr. Gus Hart
- Dr. Richard Sandberg, Brings Ultrafast Optics to Materials Research
- Darin Ragozzine receives Young Scholar Award
- Eric Hirschman honored for exceptional service
- Technology transfer award for a quieter airplane toilet
- Mark Transtrum: BYU Early Career Scholarship Award
- Catching up on Five Years
- BYU Physics & Astronomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Brian Anderson
- See the Stars Even Better at the ESC Observatory
- Scott Sommerfeldt, ASA Vice President
- LCA Postings
- Professor Receives Early Career Award
- Professional Faculty Job Opening
- BYU Physics Student Highlighted by APS
- New Campus 0.6-m Telescope
- How Many Earth-Like Planets Exist in the Universe?
- Battle of the Motors
- Researchers invent a quieter airplane toilet
- BYU Top in Addressing Shortage of Physics Teachers
- BYU study produces 3D images
- "Playing flag football at BYU has allowed me to make some great friendships"
- Physics Employee is Student Employee of the Year
- Astronomer co-authors paper in Nature
- Producing stronger, more pliable metals
- Hottest known planet discovery published in Nature
- A Master, A Teacher, A Leader
- Lego figurines don’t stand a chance against time reversal
- BYU researchers help discover massive exoplanet
- Sunshine matters a lot to mental health
- Dr. Neilsen Balances Family, Research, Classes, and Receives Award
- Professor Receives Outstanding Referee Award
- BYU Produces the Most Certified Physics Teachers
- BYU GALs Program Sheds Light on Physics
- Searching for Alien Comets: BYU Researchers Create Guidebook to Aid in First Discovery
- Physics Professor Makes Nanomagnetism Discovery
- Vatican Astronomer Bridges Faith and Science
- Harvey Fletcher, BYU’s first Physics graduate wins a posthumous grammy award
- BYU Professor Honored by Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters
- Physicists Can Be Writers, Too
- Award-Winning Professor Puts Students First
- Physics Alumnus Improves Radar Systems
- Lighting up the Science Center
- For the Love of Teaching… and Physics
- Physicist Helps Students Shine
- The Sound of Music, According to Physicists
- Burning Calories to Better Science
- Professor’s Curiosity Drives Research
- By Small and Simple Magnets Are Great Things Brought to Pass
- Craters Come to Astrofest
- BYU’s Physics Teaching Program Gains National Attention
- Astrofest Brings the Stars to BYU
- Student’s Nanocrystals Make Him a Wanted Man
- BYU uses planet-hunting satellite to observe supermassive black hole
- Google Glass adaptation opens the universe to deaf students
- BYU researchers create tiny nano-device in newest gene therapy advance
- Prestigious publication for ‘sloppy’ research
- The science of stadium sound
- Tiny cupid proof that BYU students love nanotechnology
- Harold Stokes: Dr. Superman
- Movement of black holes powers the universe’s brightest lights
- Rockets, gongs and Gatling guns make really loud science
- Scientists grow micro-machines (and "nano Jimmer") from carbon
- BYU telescope captures Halloween sights in the stars?
- Futuristic computing https://physics.byu.edu/edit/stories/departmentdesigns inside beetle scales
- Harvey Fletcher is Honored Founder for BYU Homecoming 2010
- BYU study: Halley’s comet first observed by ancient Greeks?
- BYU physics professor named fellow by National Science Foundation
- BYU's Scott D. Sommerfeldt elected to ASA Executive Council
- BYU study adds a ‘twist’ to stars’ death throes
- Nature and electronics meet: How to make a tiny wire and connect it to DNA
- Elder Richard G. Scott dedicates Royden G. Derrick Planetarium at BYU Sept. 28
- BYU undergraduate makes 'cents' of rare coins
- BYU scientists discuss yodeling, jet crackle and hearing
- BYU students to compete in Mars rover event in southern Utah desert
- BYU professor receives national acoustic education award
- BYU study another step in the march toward better superconductors
- BYU students experiment onboard NASA's "Vomit Comet"
- BYU mirror headed to space on Venus Express
- BYU astronomy department unveils new planetarium
- BYU physics professor receives national recognition
- BYU physicists quiet fans in computers, office equipment
- Preparing earthlings for Mars
- BYU physics professor appointed scholar-in-residence
News and Events

Dr. Powers initiated the effort to update BYU’s physics undergraduate lab curriculum in 2015. The revamped curriculum, aimed at teaching students how to construct knowledge from experiments.

Using data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, a new study suggests that an object previously thought to be a binary system may be a rare triple system of orbiting bodies.

In early January 2025, a group of 16 students from Brigham Young University’s Physics & Astronomy Department showcased their research at the prestigious American Astronomical Society (AAS) in National Harbor, Maryland.

Acoustics faculty and students measure the thunderous noise of the world’s most powerful rocket, exploring its impact on communities and the environment.

Dr. Stephens participated in a research project at the University of Arizona focused on studying brown dwarfs using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).